2020-2021 Bulletin 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2020-2021 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]


The updates listed in this addendum apply to the 2020-2021 Claremont Graduate University Bulletin.  This addendum contains policy and program changes that received approval after the Bulletin for the academic year was published as well as corrections of errors in the original version of the catalog.

Tuition and Fees

Effective 18 May 2020
Updated 2 June 2020

Tuition/Fee Type

All Students* Art Students

Executive Management


4 units




6 units $11,880 $9,780 $13,650
8 units $15,840 $13,040 $18,200
12 units $23,760 $19,560 $27,300
15 units $29,700 $24,450 $34,125
16 units $31,680 $26,080 $36,400

Continuous Registration




Doctoral Study




Graduate Writing




IS Pathway Mod I




IS Pathway Mod II




Language Workshops




CGU Student Fee




Technology Fee





Effective 1 July 2020
Updated 15 May 2020

CGU students will no longer have the option to take classes (i.e. cross register) at the Claremont School of Theology.

Commencement Participation

Effective 18 May 2020
Updated 18 May 2020

Participation is limited to the following groups:

  • Students/alumni who received their degrees* during the Summer and Fall semesters that immediately precede the current Spring semester and who have not participated in a previous ceremony for the same degree
  • Students graduating during the Spring semester who have not participated in a previous ceremony for the same degree

*Degrees are defined as master’s or doctoral degrees.  Students who received or are receiving a certificate only are not eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony.

Academic Calendar - Fall 2020 Registration

Effective 20 May 2020
Updated 2 June 2020

Due to the global Coronavirus pandemic, Fall 2020 registration is delayed to 20 May 2020.

Preparing Future Faculty College Teaching, Certificate

Effective 18 May 2020
Updated 3 June 2020

The College Teaching Certificate is offered by the Preparing Future Faculty Program. The certificate is offered free to all enrolled students at CGU. Alumni may earn the Certificate by enrolling in a PFF Certificate program course - for details, please contact the PFF program office.

Students aspiring to teach in formal academic contexts, or whose work will take them into consulting, advocacy, or other leadership work that engages and leads minds will benefit from the PFF Certificate program.

The Certificate program helps you develop the following knowledge and skills:

  • Teaching as a leadership process that integrates excellence, ethics, and engagement to include and support all learners toward success.
  • Inclusive pedagogy that embraces and integrates diversity in all its forms (culture/ethnicity, nationality, age, language, gender, sexual orientation, abilities/disabilities, learning cultures, life experiences).
  • A design approach for integrating inclusive pedagogy as part of the mission of higher education to prepare a diverse student body for the emerging world.
  • An understanding of how and why learners engage and disengage with learning.
  • How to select and design pedagogical strategies and tools, including in digital form, to support learning engagement and success.
  • How to design courses that are inclusive and engage students in active learning to master both course content and critical human capacity skills for the 21st century.
  • A critical awareness of yourself as a teacher-scholar and leader that you can articulate in a teaching philosophy and diversity statement.
  • How to begin and maintain a reflective practice so that as an educator and leader you are an agile, ethical, and life-long learner.

Certificate program courses: The College Teaching Certificate program requires successful completion of two courses, “Transdisciplinary Pedagogy for Ethical Education” and “Teaching Practicum and Portfolio”. Each course and the certificate completion are recorded on your transcript. The “Transdisciplinary Pedagogy for Ethical Education” course can be taken with different units to complete different requirements toward your degree.

PFF 530: Transdisciplinary Pedagogy for Ethical Education (No units, free for current students)

TNDY 430: Transdisciplinary Pedagogy for Ethical Education (4 units, regular tuition cost)

  • May also be used instead of PFF 530 to count toward the Certificate in College Teaching)
  • DBOS and SCGH students can use TNDY 430 to satisfy their degree program teaching tool requirements. If doing so, department consent must be obtained to also use TNDY 430 to satisfy the T-Course requirement.

Preparing Future Faculty Program

Effective 18 May 2020
Updated 3 June 2020
Director: Shamini Dias, Ph.D.
Asst. Director: Shelby Lamar
Address: 135 E. 12th St. Claremont, CA 91711 Website: www.cgu.edu/pff Email: pff@cgu.edu
Phone: (909) 607-6224

The Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Program offers professional development in all aspects of teaching in formal and informal settings, as well as in academic and non-academic contexts to CGU students, alumni, and faculty.

The PFF program offers teaching and pedagogical leadership development for students seeking careers in academic and non-academic settings, as well as for those who are already teaching and seek to develop and improve their pedagogical applications. Through the program, you become an agile, inclusive leader and educator who understands the mission of higher education. We help you explore, discover, and build pedagogical knowledge and skills to embrace diversity and work inclusively with learners in different situations. While the PFF program focuses on college teaching, the values, goals, and methods the program helps you develop can be applied outside of

academia and formal teaching contexts to leadership work that engages minds and leads learning and change in the 21st century.

PFF Services and Resources

Pedagogy Workshops and Webinars - We offer a range of workshops and webinars that are open to all CGU students, alumni, faculty, and staff. Please see the semester’s list of workshop offerings on the PFF webpage.

College Teaching Certificate - All enrolled students and alumni can earn a College Teaching Certificate that is added to your academic transcript. Alumni pay a $50 per semester administrative fee to be added to the student tracking system in order to be awarded the certificate. The certificate is earned by completing the two courses: “Transdisciplinary Pedagogy for Ethical Education” and “Teaching Practicum and Portfolio”.

Teaching Consultation and Resourcing - Work with the PFF team to understand different aspects of teaching and learning, build resources you need as an educator such as:

  • Teaching Demonstrations: Design and practice short teaching demonstrations to get feedback as part of your career development preparation for campus visits, and to practice teaching to improve your facilitation and teaching presence.
  • Teaching Document Feedback: Brainstorm, plan, and get oral and written feedback in developing documents such as teaching or leadership philosophy statements, diversity statements, course design and syllabi, lesson and workshop plans, student learning outcomes, assessments and rubrics etc.
  • Teaching Resources: Work with the PFF team to access, develop, or tailor inclusive, active learning resources you need for teaching and facilitation.

How to Engage with the PFF Team

1. In-person or small group appointments, on campus or online.

2. Submit teaching documents for email review.

3. Please visit the PFF website to access our on-line appointment and email review scheduler.

Resolution Process - Oregon

Effective 1 June 2020
Updated 8 June 2020

The address for the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) has changed to:

3225 25th Street SE
Salem, OR  97302

Academic Deans and Directors

Effective 1 July 2020
Updated 8 June 2020

Katharina Pick, Interim Dean, Drucker and Masatoshi Ito School of Management

Jay Orr, Dean, School of Community and Global Health

PhD, Health Promotion Sciences - Correction

Effective 18 May 2020
Updated 8 June 2020

The PFF 520 course requirement listed in the PhD, Health Promotion Sciences degree is incorrect and should be listed as TNDY 430 - “Transdisciplinary Pedagogy in Ethical Education.”

Academic Calendar - Fall 2020 New Student Orientation

Effective 12 June 2020
Updated 12 June 2020

New Student Orientation dates changed to:

25-27 August: All CGU New Student Orientation

26 August: New International Student Orientation

Grading Policies - Grade Changes

Effective 18 May 2020
Updated 18 September 2020

Grade changes may not be submitted for individuals who have graduated or are not currently enrolled at CGU or the Claremont Colleges.

Information Systems and Technology, PhD Concentrations

Effective Fall 2020
Updated 15 March 2021

5 new concentrations were approved for the PhD in Information Systems and Technology degree program:

  • Cybersecurity and Networking
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analytics and Solutions Development
  • Health Informatics
  • IT Innovation and Design

Management Certificates

Effective 19 January 2021
Updated 27 January 2021

The following certificates are available for students in the MBA degree program.

Leadership, Certificate

This certificate offers students advanced study in the principles and practices of leadership within an organizational context.

Coursework. (Prerequisite: Departmental Approval

12 units of Leadership elective courses.


Strategy, Certificate

This certificate offers students advanced study in the theories and methodologies of decision-making and competitive advantage for organizations.

Coursework. (Prerequisite: Departmental Approval

12 units of Strategy elective courses.

Admission Requirements - Official Transcripts Definition

Effective 2020-21 academic year
Updated 27 January 2021

Official transcripts typically include a university seal, the signature of the university registrar, and may be printed on security paper or, if electronic, contain digital security features. In addition to these features, official transcripts must be received by CGU directly from the institution or in a sealed envelope prepared by the other institution. Transcripts that have been opened and in the hands of the student/applicant or are printouts or re-scans from another source (with the exception of SOPHAS) are not considered official.  

Faculty Updates

Updated 15 March 2021

Extended Faculty

Zachary Dodds, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, Yale University (CISAT)

CGU Mission, Vision, and Values

Effective Summer 2020
Updated 5/10/2021


Claremont Graduate University prepares individuals to be leaders for positive change in the world. Unique in its transdisciplinary approach, the university is dedicated to the creation, dissemination, and application of new knowledge and diverse perspectives through research, practice, creative works, and community engagement.


Be a global leader in transformative graduate education.


  1. Personalized

We value our personalized approach to education and the agility it affords us to pioneer innovative programs, collaborate in research, customize curricula, implement strategic initiatives, and create individualized programing.

2. Application and Practical Experience

We value the application of theory as much as theory creation, and we encourage educational experiences that occur outside traditional classroom settings. We prepare students to be flexible thinkers in a rapidly changing world to enable effective translation of theory into practice.

3. Transdisciplinary Approach

We value deep, disciplinary study as well as the boldness to transcend disciplinary boundaries.

4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We value diversity, equity, and inclusion, and a culture that embraces open exchange and advancement of ideas, collaboration, innovation, and justice.

5. Integrity

We value integrity in the pursuit of our mission to educate and prepare our students to be leaders for positive change in the world. CGU is committed to act with integrity in our academic programs, institutional and financial operations, workplace, policies, and practices.

Faculty Changes

Extended Faculty Additions

Ciara Ennis, PhD, Claremont Graduate University; Pitzer College
School of Arts & Humanities
Adam Pearson, PhD, Yale University; Pomona College
School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation
Stacey Doan, PhD, Cornell University; Claremont McKenna College
School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation
Ran Libeskind-Hadas, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Harvey Mudd College
Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Dagan Karp, PhD, University of British Columbia; Harvey Mudd College
Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Sharda Umanath, PhD, Duke University; Claremont McKenna College
School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation
Vin De Silva, PhD, Oxford University; Pomona College
Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Catherine Reed, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara; Claremont McKenna College
School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation
Zachary Dodds, PhD, Yale University; Harvey Mudd College
Center for Information Systems & Technology