2018-2019 Bulletin 
    Jan 25, 2025  
2018-2019 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Extended Academic Opportunities

In addition to its degree programs, Claremont Graduate University offers a number of additional opportunities to earn graduate or continuing education credit.  Specific application procedures and fees apply.

California State Administrative Credentials

The Education faculty offers an opportunity for school administrators to meet certification requirements—the Professional Administrative Services Credential. Credential and doctoral work may be combined. Work toward the Professional Administrative Services Credential is integrated with the program in education leadership. An outline of the philosophy and structure of the urban education leadership doctoral program is provided in the Education  section.

Summer Visitors

Non-CGU students are invited to experience and gain graduate credit through enrollment in CGU summer semester courses.  Summer courses are taught by regular faculty, members of the Claremont Colleges, and distinguished visiting and adjunct faculty.  Courses, which are designed for currently enrolled students, include both required and elective courses that are fully integrated with the academic year curriculum.  The summer schedule is generally available on the registrar’s website by the end of March.

Students from other colleges and universities as well as to those individuals interested in a professional, graduate level, educational experience register as summer visitors.  Procedures and the Summer Visitors Registration Form are available on the registrar’s Summer Visitors webpage.  

Approval from the academic department offering the course is required for all summer visitor registrations.  Tuition, CGU Student and Technology fees, and Add/Drop refund schedules announced in the Academic Calendar apply for all Summer registrations.

Enrollment as a summer visitor is not a guarantee of admission to Claremont Graduate University.  Individuals interested in pursuing a degree program at CGU must meet CGU admission requirements and apply through the normal Admissions process.  For information on admission, refer to the Admissions  section of the Bulletin.

Alumni Registrations

Claremont Graduate University allows alumni to enroll in individual courses on a limited basis.  Alumni are defined as individuals who have earned a master’s or doctoral degree from CGU.

Instructor and department approval are required.  Coursework is recorded on the alum’s CGU transcript.  An adjusted tuition and CGU Student and Technology Fees apply, along with established Add/Drop refund schedules.

Interested alumni should refer to the registrar’s Alumni Registration webpage for procedures and the registration form.

Professional Credit Unit (PCU) Programs

Claremont Graduate University offers professional development programs based on a professional credit unit (PCU) conferred for graduate study not associated with advanced degree programs. Education and credit given in these programs has served as a basis for salary increments and other recognition for program participants by their employers.

Enrollment in a PCU-earning program does not constitute acceptance into any CGU degree program.  Individuals who are subsequently accepted into a CGU Master’s program may transfer up to six PCU units earned prior to beginning a CGU degree program.  The student must petition for acceptance of PCU units, requiring the approval of the appropriate department faculty.

Tuition for PCU-earning courses are established on a program-by-program basis each year.  Generally, these fees are substantially less than tuition charged for regular degree programs. CGU Student and Technology Fees apply, along with Add/Drop refund schedules announced in the Academic Calendar.  Generally, PCU courses are offered on a S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) grading basis and all CGU grading policies apply.

PCU activities are offered in a variety of formats. Some follow the usual semester plan, while others may take the form of intensive work over a limited period of time. Structure is determined by the nature of the program objectives.  In all cases, strict adherence to established deadlines for the completion of course work is required. Administrative support, including registration and enrollment and transcript documentation, is provided by the registrar’s office.

Continuing Education (CE) Programs

Claremont Graduate University offers programs for which continuing education (CE) units may be earned.  Credit earned for the completion of these courses has served as a basis for salary increments and other recognition for program participants by their employers.

CE units do not represent academic credit and are not eligible for use as transfer credit to degree-earning academic programs.  Tuition for courses that earn CE units is established on a program-by-program basis.  Generally these fees are substantially less than tuition charged for regular degree programs.  CGU Student and Technology Fees apply.  Specific refund schedules are also defined.  Generally, CE unit-earning courses are offered on an S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) grading basis and all CGU grading policies apply.