2019-2020 Bulletin 
    Dec 04, 2024  
2019-2020 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Economics, PhD/Business Administration, MBA

Students interested in personal cultivation as well as professional preparation for an increasingly complex economy will benefit from the dual degree program in Economics and Business Administration.  Providing a comprehensive examination of the global economy from both the business and social science perspectives, the program prepares students for competitive careers in the corporate, government, non-profit, and consulting sectors.

The dual degree structure facilitates the accelerated program, permitting the student to earn both the Economics, PhD  and the MBA .  University policies regarding dual degrees  are detailed in the Academic Policies  section of the Bulletin.

Individuals interested in the dual degree must be accepted by both the Economics program and the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management.  Continuing students are encouraged to apply prior to completion of their first 16 units of study at CGU.  For admissions policies, see the Admission  section of the Bulletin.

Degree Requirements

Coursework.  A minimum of 96 units must be completed.  Individual coursework requirements are specified in the student’s Dual Degree Coursework Proposal, developed within the first semester of the student’s participation in the program. Please see your academic advisor and Program Coordinator for details.

Degree Regulations. The Academic Policies - Master’s Degree Regulations , Academic Policies - Doctoral Degree Regulations , and Dual Degree Regulations  sections of this Bulletin apply.

University Policies.  University policies detailed in the Academic Policies   section of the Bulletin apply.