2017-2018 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Religion, MA
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The Master of Arts in Religion is designed to give students a strong foundation in the scholarly study of religion. The degree provides preparation for doctoral studies in religion and other related disciplines. Career-wise, the program contributes a foundational background for those interested in a wide range of work and service in religious communities and other professional fields, including research and teaching in the field of religious studies.
Students admitted to the MA in Religion should refer to the Religion Student Handbook for the year in which they begin the program for complete details.
Degree Requirements
Coursework. The Master’s degree requires completion of 40 units. All MA students are required to take REL 362 - Theories of Religion. Further course requirements vary according to concentration
Language Requirement/Research Tool. Primary text language requirements vary by concentration. All master’s students are required to complete a Research Tool. Generally this is done by demonstrating competency in at least one modern language, such as German, French, or Spanish. Competency is typically accomplished by passing a written translation exam. In some cases, according to concentration, students may take a research methodology course to satisfy the Research Tool requirement. This is at the discretion of the advisor.
Thesis. A thesis is required, the topic for which is selected in consultation with the student’s advisor or advisory committee.
University Policies. University policies detailed in the Academic Policies section of the Bulletin apply.
Accelerated BA/MA
Students from any of the undergraduate Claremont Colleges with a major in religious studies will be eligible to participate in the Accelerated BA/MA program in the Religion Department. After the completion of their BA, participating students will be required to complete a total of 40 units for the MA in Religion. 16 of the 40 units may be transferred from upper-division religious studies coursework at the undergraduate Claremont Colleges. The remaining 24 units should be taken in the CGU Religion Department. Students will be required to complete a thesis to earn the MA, but the 24 units of coursework taken at CGU may not include thesis credit. All other requirements for the MA in Religion apply.
Religion Concentrations
- Critical Comparative Scripture
- History of Christianity and Religions in North America
- Philosophy of Religion and Theology
- Religion for Professionals
- Women’s Studies in Religion (PhD only)
American Studies Concentration
Student will work closely with a faculty advisor to pursue an intellectually unified course of study that will include seminars in their department as well as seminars cross-listed with participating CGU departments and The Claremont Colleges. A minimum of four seminars should be taken in the student’s home department, and a minimum of two seminars in other disciplines. Interested students should discuss this concentration with their advisor. Note: in some cases, fulfilling the requirements of this concentration as well as the core requirements for the student’s degree may involve additional units or Research Tools. Students should always consult with their academic advisor before adding a concentration to their degree program. Continental Philosophy Concentration
Requirements for the concentration are: - Four courses in Kantian and post-Kantian continental philosophy with the approval of advisor (Note: the presumption is that pre-Kantian philosophies will not be considered a course in continental although, on an individual basis, may be considered upon the recommendation of the instructor)
- Capstone/final paper on continental thought (for Philosophy or Cultural Studies MA only)
- For Philosophy PhD students, one folio paper in the area of continental thought
- French or German as a Research Tool
Note: in some cases, fulfilling the requirements of this concentration as well as the core requirements for the student’s degree may involve additional units or Research Tools. Students should always consult with their academic advisor before adding a concentration to their degree program. Early Modern Studies Concentration
The Early Modern Studies concentration encompasses study in the disciplines of English, History, and Philosophy, while retaining disciplinary focus in one of those fields. Students interested in this concentration should consult with Dr. Lori Anne Ferrell. For master’s students, this discrete course of study complements coursework in archival and museum studies and/or prepares students for application to doctoral programs in early modern, Renaissance, or Reformation literature, history, or philosophy. For doctoral students, the concentration prepares students for research and teaching at the college or university level. Coursework Coursework requirements complement and do not replace departmental/program requirements, and are as follows: - Five courses in the early modern period (for English or History, 1500-1750 | for Philosophy, 1600-1800), of which two courses must be in a discipline other than the one in which the student is receiving the degree.
- Course in Paleography
- Course in Latin Reading (this course is not required but may be taken for credit; fulfillment of the research tool in Latin is by exam only)
- One course or workshop based upon bibliographic inquiry into the extensive collections of modern print and manuscripts housed in the Special Collections of the The Claremont Colleges Library
Research Tools For MA students, the Early Modern Studies concentration requires a second Research Tool. The two Research Tools for the concentration must be completed through language exams in German or French and in Latin. If a Latin Reading course is taken in preparation for the exam, this course may be used for credit toward the degree/concentration. For PhD students, the Early Modern Studies concentration requires a third Research Tool. The three Research Tools for the concentration must be completed through language exams in German, French, and Latin. If a Latin Reading course is taken in preparation for the exam, this course may be used for credit toward the degree/concentration. Note: in some cases, fulfilling the requirements of this concentration as well as the core requirements for the student’s degree may involve additional units or Research Tools. Students should always consult with their academic advisor before adding a concentration to their degree program. Hemispheric and Transnational Studies Concentration
Requirements For MA Students - 16 units in seminars designated as “hemispheric or transnational” in scope
- A capstone/final paper (in Cultural Studies only) on hemispheric or transnational literatures or cultural theories
- One language requirement (Research Tool) in Spanish, French, Portuguese, or Creole (other languages may be considered by student request.)
For PhD Students - 16 units in seminars designated as “hemispheric or transnational” in scope
- A capstone/final paper (in Cultural Studies only) on hemispheric or transnational literatures or cultural theories
- One language requirement (Research Tool) in Spanish, French, Portuguese, or Creole (other languages may be considered by student request.)
- Either a major or a minor qualifying field examination in Hemispheric/Transnational Studies (determined in consultation with the advisor).
Note: in some cases, fulfilling the requirements of this concentration as well as the core requirements for the student’s degree may involve additional units or Research Tools. Students should always consult with their academic advisor before adding a concentration to their degree program. Media Studies Concentration
Coursework. 12 units of approved Media Studies courses, taught by faculty of CGU or The Claremont Colleges, are required. For Cultural Studies students, one of the student’s Research Methods courses must be int he field of Media Studies. Internship. A four-unit Internship course is optional. Internships are scheduled for approximately 100 hours. Note: in some cases, fulfilling the requirements of this concentration as well as the core requirements for the student’s degree may involve additional units or Research Tools. Students should always consult with their academic advisor before adding a concentration to their degree program. Museum Studies Concentration
Coursework. 8 units of approved courses in Museum Theory and History are required. Internship. A four-unit Internship is optional. Internships are scheduled for approximately 100 hours. Note: in some cases, fulfilling the requirements of this concentration as well as the core requirements for the student’s degree may involve additional units or Research Tools. Students should always consult with their academic advisor before adding a concentration to their degree program. |
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