2017-2018 Bulletin 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2017-2018 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]



The faculty is comprised of the appointees of Claremont Graduate University and nominated members of the faculty of the other Claremont Colleges, and of the Claremont School of Theology.



Gawdat Gabra Abdel-Sayed, Clinical Professor, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Westfalische Wilhems Universitat/Munster, Germany.

Mark Abdollahian, Clinical Professor of International Studies; PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Jacob E. Adams, Jr., Interim President, and Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, Stanford University.

Z. Ayca Altintig, Assistant Professor of Management, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, Louisiana State University.

Eusebio Alvaro, Research Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy, and Evaluation; PhD, University of Arizona.

Susan L. Ames, Director of PhD Program and Associate Professor, School of Community and Global Health; PhD, University of Southern California.

David Amico, Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities; BFA, California State University, Fullerton.

John E. Angus, Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Mathematical Sciences; PhD, University of California, Riverside.

Tarek Azzam, Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.

Jorge Barraza, Research Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Tamir Bechor, Clinical Associate Professor, Center for Information Systems and Technology; PhD, Tel Aviv University.

Tiffany Berry, Associate Professor and Research Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Graham Bird, Clinical Professor of Economics, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Surrey, England.

Michelle Bligh, Professor of Psychology and Management, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation and Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo.

Peter Boyer, Helen M. Smith Chair in Music and Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities; DMA, The Hartt School, University of Hartford.

Janet Farrell Brodie, Professor of History, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of Chicago.

Kendall Bronk, Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Stanford University.

Eric Bulson, Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Columbia University.

Heather Campbell, Professor of Politics and Policy, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Carnegie Mellon University.

C. Monica Capra, Professor of Economics, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Virginia.

Deborah Carter, Associate Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Samir Chatterjee, Professor, Center for Information Systems and Technology and Fletcher Jones Chair in Technology and Management; PhD, University of Central Florida.

Marina Chugunova, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences; PhD, McMaster University, Canada.

Carl Cohn, Clinical Professor of Education; EdD, University of California, Los Angeles

J. Travis Columbus, Professor of Botany; PhD, University of California, Berkeley.

Andrew ConwayProfessor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of South Carolina.

William D. Crano, Oskamp Chair in Psychology and Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Northwestern University.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Chicago.

Ingolf U. Dalferth, Professor of Religion and Danforth Professor of the Philosophy of Religion, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of Tubingen.

Jenny Darroch, Professor of Management and MBA Academic Director, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, University of Otago.

Nicola Denzey-LewisAssociate Professor of Religion, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Princeton University.

Stewart I. Donaldson, Dean of the School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation and the School of Community and Global Health and Professor of Psychology; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Ann DoucetteResearch Professor, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Columbia University.

David E. Drew, Joseph B. Platt Chair in the Management of Technology and Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, Harvard University.

Philip H. Dreyer, Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, University of Chicago.

Patricia Easton, Executive Vice President and Provost, and Professor of Philosophy, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of Western Ontario.

Levan Efremidze, Clinical Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Cynthia Eller, Professor of Religion, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of Southern California.

Yi Feng, The Luther Lee Jr. Memorial Chair in Government and Professor of Politics and Policy, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Rochester.

Lori Anne Ferrell, Professor of Early Modern History and Literature, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Yale University.

Leslie FierroClinical Assistant Professor of Evaluation; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Naomi Fraga, Research Assistant Professor; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Deborah Freund, University Professor; PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

DeLacy Ganley, Director of Curriculum and Advancement and Clinical Associate Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Nicole Gatto, Associate Professor of Public Health, School of Community and Global Health; PhD, University of Southern California.

Gary Gaukler, Associate Professor, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, Stanford University.

Dean R. Gerstein, Research Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Harvard University.

Adrin Gharakhani, Research Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Joshua Goode, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies and History, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.

Brian Hilton, Clinical Associate Professor, Center for Information Systems and Technology; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Michael A. Hogg, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Bristol.

Thomas Horan, Director and Professor, Center for Information Systems and Technology; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Robert L. Hudspeth, Research Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Syracuse University.

Jeremy Hunter, Assistant Professor of Practice, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, The University of Chicago.

Jonathan Jaffee, Assistant Professor, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, University of California, Berkeley.

Bernard J. Jaworski, Peter F. Drucker Chair in Management and the Liberal Arts and Professor of Management, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, University of Pittsburgh.

C. Anderson Johnson, University Professor; PhD, Duke University.

Ruqayya Khan, Chair in Islamic Studies and Associate Professor of Religion, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of Pennsylvania.

Robert Klitgaard, University Professor; PhD, Harvard University.

Thomas Kniesner, University Professor of Economics, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Ohio State University.

Henry P. Krips, Professor of Cultural Studies and Andrew W. Mellon All-Claremont Professor in the Humanities, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of Adelaide.

Jacek Kugler, Professor of Politics and Policy and Rosecrans Professor of International Relations and Political Economy, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

Rachel Lachowicz, Assistant Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities; BFA, California Institute of the Arts.

Daniel Lewis, Research Associate Professor of History, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of California, Riverside.

Yan Li, Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Technology; PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University

Jean Lipman-Blumen, Thornton F. Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Management, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation and Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, Harvard University.

David Luis-Brown, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies and English, School of Arts and Humanities; Ph.D, University of California, Santa Cruz.

Thomas F. Luschei, Associate Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, Stanford University.

Dina Maramba, Associate Professor of Higher Education; PhD, Claremont Graduate University/San Diego State University.

Wendy Martin, Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of California, Davis.

Andrew Joseph Marx, Assistant Professor of Geographic Information Systems; PhD, University of Maryland.

Patrick Q. Mason, Dean, School of Arts and Humanities and Associate Professor of Religion and Howard W. Hunter Professor of Mormon Studies, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of Notre Dame.

Lucinda A. McDade, Chair & Professor of Botany and Executive Director and Judith B. Friend Director of Research, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden; PhD, Duke University.

Hrushikesh Mhaskar, Research Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences; PhD, Ohio State University.

Anselm K. Min, Professor of Religion, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Fordham University; PhD, Vanderbilt University.

Kevin Mulroy, Professor of Cultural Studies and History, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Keele University.

Ali Nadim, Joseph H. Pengilly Chair in Mathematics and Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Jeanne Nakamura, Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Chicago.

Hal T. Nelson, Research Associate Professor of Public Policy, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Portland State University.

Eve Oishi, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Rutgers University.

Lorne Olfman, Professor of Information Systems and Technology, Center for Information Systems and Technology; PhD, Indiana University-Bloomington.

Allen Omoto, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Jay OrrClinical Professor, School of Community and Global Health; JD, The Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law.

David Pagel, Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities; MA, Harvard University.

Susan J. Paik, Associate Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Qidi Peng, Research Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences; PhD, University of Lille 1, France.

Allon Percus, Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences; PhD, Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay.

William Perez, Associate Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, Stanford University.

Linda Perkins, Director of Applied Women’s Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies Certificate Program and Associate Professor, School of Arts and Humanities and School of Educational Studies; PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Darleen V. Peterson, Director of MPH and Associate Professor of Practice, School of Community and Global Health; PhD, University of Southern California.

Kathy Pezdek, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Katharina Pick, Clinical Assistant Professor, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, Harvard University.

Joanna PobleteAssociate Professor of History, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.

Mary S. Poplin, Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, University of Texas, Austin.

J. Mark Porter, Associate Professor of Botany; PhD, University of Arizona.

Jay Prag, Academic Director in the EMP and Clinical Associate Professor of Management; PhD, University of Rochester.

Daniel RamirezAssociate Professor of Religion, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Duke University.

Rebecca J. Reichard, Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Kim D. Reynolds, Professor, School of Community and Global Health; PhD, Arizona State University.

Melissa Z. Rogers, Assistant Professor Politics and Policy, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of California, San Diego.

Terrance Ryan, Professor, Center for Information Systems and Technology; PhD, Indiana University.

Lucrecia SantibanezAssociate Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, Stanford University.

Vijay Sathe, C.S. & D.J. Davidson Professor of Management and Professor of Management, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, Ohio State University.

Henry Schellhorn, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.

Tammi J. Schneider, Professor of Religion, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, University of Pennsylvania.

Jean R. Schroedel, Professor of Political Science, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Michael Scriven, Distinguished Professor, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Oxford University

Amy Shimshon-SantoClinical Associate Professor of Arts Management, Drucker School of Management; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.

Jason T. Siegel, Associate Professor and Research Associate Professor of Psychology; PhD, University of Arizona.

Deborah Deutsch Smith, Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; EdD, University of Washington.

Alan W. Stacy, Professor, School of Community and Global Health; PhD, University of California, Riverside.

Joshua Tasoff, Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of California, Berkeley.

Paul Torrens, Clinical Professor, School of Community and Global Health; MD, Georgetown University; MPH.

Michael M. Uhlmann, Professor of Government, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Nancy van Deusen, Louis and Mildred Benezet Chair in the Humanities and Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Indiana University.

Andrew Vosko, Assistant Professor and Director of Transdisciplinary Studies; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.

James S. Wallace, Associate Professor, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, University of Washington.

Thomas D. Willett, Professor of Economics and Horton Professor of Economics, Claremont Graduate University and Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Virginia.

Carol A. Wilson, Research Associate Professor of Botany; PhD, University of California, Berkeley.

Bin Xie, Associate Professor, School of Community and Global Heath; PhD, University of Southern California.

Masahiro Yamada, Associate Professor of Philosophy, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, New York University.

Kyo Yamashiro, Clinical Associate Professor of Education, School of Educational Studies; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.

Hideki Yamawaki, Ito Chair of International Business in the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management, and Professor of Management, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; PhD, Harvard University

Jeffrey Yip, Assistant Professor of Organizational Psychology; PhD, Boston University

Charles M. Young, Professor of Philosophy, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Johns Hopkins University.

Paul J. Zak, Professor of Economics, School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation; PhD, University of Pennsylvania.

Robert Zappulla, Fred W. Smith and Grace Hobson Smith Chair in Music and Chair and Associate Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities; PhD, Utrecht University.

Extended Faculty of the Claremont Colleges

Elizabeth Affuso, Pitzer College; PhD, University of Southern California

Asuman Aksoy, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Michigan

Ahmed Alwishah, Pitzer College; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Mark Andrejevic, Pomona College; PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder

Ray Animesh, Keck Graduate Institute; PhD, Monash University

Yuval Avnur, Scripps College; PhD, New York University

William Barndt, Pitzer College; PhD, Princeton University

Hal Barron, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Arthur Benjamin, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Sumangala Bhattacharya, Pitzer College; PhD, University of Southern California

Mark Bilby, Claremont School of Theology; PhD, University of Virginia

Shane Bjornlie, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Princeton University

Mark Blitz, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Harvard University

Deborah Burke, Pomona College; PhD, Columbia University

Alfonso Castro, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, University of Cincinnati

Myriam Chancy, Scripps College; PhD, University of Iowa

Marjorie Charlop, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Jih-Fei Cheng, Scripps College; PhD, University of Southern California

Philip Clayton, Claremont School of Theology; PhD, Yale University

Monica Coleman, Claremont School of Theology; PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Gabriel Cook, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Georgia

Stephen Davis, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Claremont Graduate University

David Day, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Akron

Lara Deeb, Scripps College; PhD, Emory University

Kevin J.H. Dettmar, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Stacey Doan, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Cornell University

Kimberly Drake, Scripps College; PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Erika Dyson, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, Columbia University

Oona Eisenstadt, Pomona College; PhD, McMaster University

Pierre Englebert, Pomona College; PhD, University of Southern California

Roland Faber, Claremont School of Theology; PhD, University of Vienna

Robert Faggen, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Harvard University

Paul Faulstich, Pitzer College; PhD, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Erica Flapan, Pomona College; PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Jennifer Friedlander, Pomona College; PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Leonid Fukshansky, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Texas, Austin

Stephan Garcia, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Gary Gilbert, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Columbia University

Weiqing Gu, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Diane Halpern, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Cincinnati

Johanna Hardin, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, Davis

Arthur Horowitz, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, Davis

Mark Huber, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Cornell University

Blake Hunter, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of California, Davis

Andrew Jacobs, Scripps College; PhD, Duke University

Chiu-Yen Kao, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Zayn Kassam, Pomona College; PhD, McGill University

Brian Keeley, Pitzer College; PhD, University of California, San Diego

Amy Kind, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Thomas Koenigs, Scripps College; PhD, Yale University

James Kreines, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Chicago

Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook, Claremont School of Theology; PhD, Boston College

Jesse Lerner, Pitzer College; PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Ran Libeskind-Hadas, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Leah Light, Pitzer College; PhD, Stanford University

Daniel Livesay, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Michigan

Seth Lobis, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Yale University

Charles Lofgren, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Stanford University

Debra Mashek, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, State University of New York, Stony Brook

Char Miller, Pomona College; PhD, Johns Hopkins University

David Moore, Pitzer College; PhD, Harvard University

James Morrison, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, State University of New York, Buffalo

Christopher NadonClaremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Chicago

Deanna Needell, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of California, Davis

Gilda OchoaPomona College; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Richard Olson, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, Harvard University

Albert Park, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of Chicago

Adam Pearson, Pomona College; PhD, Yale University

Jonathan Petropoulos, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Harvard University

Tom Phillips, Claremont School of Theology; PhD, Southern Methodist University

Nicholas Pippenger, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

John Pitney, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Yale University

Frances Pohl, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Ami Radunskaya, Pomona College; PhD, Stanford University

Sarah Raff, Pomona College; PhD, Yale University

Catherine Reed, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

Ellen Rentz, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Columbia University

Ronald Riggio, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, University of California, Riverside

Christopher Rockwell, Pomona College; PhD, University of Chicago

Adolfo Rumbos, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz

Ashley Sanders, Claremont Colleges Libraries; PhD, Michigan State University

Dion Scott-Kakures, Scripps College; PhD, University of Michigan

Aseema Sinha, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Cornell University

Patricia Smiley, Pomona College; PhD, University of Chicago

James Sterling, Keck Graduate Institute; PhD, California Institute of Technology

Francis Su, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, Harvard University

Marvin Sweeney, Claremont School of Theology; PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Julie Tannenbaum, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Peter Thielke, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, San Diego

Miguel Tinker Salas, Pomona College; PhD, University of California, San Diego

Chris Towse, Scripps College; PhD, Brown University

Sharda Umanath, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Duke University

Tamara Venit-Shelton, Claremont McKenna College; PhD, Stanford University

Kenneth Wolf, Pomona College; PhD, Stanford University

Darryl Yong, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, University of Washington

Philip Zuckerman, Pitzer College; PhD, Oregon State University

Emeriti Faculty

Lourdes Arguelles, Professor of Education; PhD., New York University.

John B. Cobb, Ingram Professor of Theology, Claremont School of Theology and Professor of Religion; PhD, University of Chicago.

Ellis Cumberbatch, Professor of Mathematics; PhD, Manchester University.

Robert Dawidoff, Professor of History; PhD, Cornell University.

Arthur T. Denzau, Professor of Economics; PhD, Washington University.

Richard Ellsworth, Professor of Management, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management; MBA, Stanford University; DBA, Harvard University. 

George T. Felkenes, Professor of Political Science; DCrim, University of California, Berkeley.

Robert S. Gable, Professor of Psychology, Emeritus; EdD, Harvard University; PhD, Brandeis University.

Dean Gillette, Professor of Information Systems and Technology; PhD, University of California, Berkeley.

Bela Gold, Fletcher Jones Professor of Technology and Management; PhD, Columbia University.

Sonia S. Gold, Professor of Management; PhD, University of Pittsburgh.

David Ray Griffith, Professor of Religion; DPhil, Oxford University; DLitt, Edinburgh.

Donald W. Griesinger, Professor of Management; PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara.

John Hick, Danforth Professor of the Philosophy of Religion; D. Phil., Oxford University.

Roland Jackson, Professor of Music; PhD, University of California, Berkeley.

Constance Jordan, Professor of English; PhD, Yale University.

Charles T. Kerchner, Professor of Education; PhD, Northwestern University.

Chan-Hie Kim, Professor of New Testament Greek and Director of Korean Studies; PhD, Vanderbilt University.

Rolf. P. Knierim, Professor of Old Testament and Avery Professor of Religion; Dr. Theol. Habil, University of Heidelberg.

Lee W. Lenz, Professor of Botany; PhD, Washington University, St. Louis.

William F. Lucas, Professor of Mathematics; PhD, University of Michigan.

Joseph A. Maciariello, Professor of Economics and Horton Professor of Business Administration, Claremont Graduate University and Claremont McKenna College; PhD, New York University.

Burton Mack, John Wesley Professor of New Testament, Claremont School of Theology, and Professor of Religion, Claremont Graduate University; Dr. Theology, Goettingen University.

John David Maguire, President Emeritus, Claremont University Center and Graduate University, and Senior Fellow, School of Politics and Economics, Claremont Graduate University; PhD, Yale University.

Dean E. McHenry, Jr., Professor; PhD, University of Indiana.

Stuart Oskamp, Professor of Psychology; PhD, Stanford University.

John O. Regan, Professor of Education; Ed.D State, University of New York, Buffalo.

Roland Reiss, Louis and Mildred Benezet Chair in Humanities and Professor of Art; MA, University of California, Los Angeles.

Dan D. Rhoades, Professor of Christian Ethics, Claremont School of Theology, and Professor of Religion, Claremont Graduate University; PhD, Yale University.

James M. Robinson, Arthur Letts Jr. Professor of Religion; D.Theol., University of Basel; Th.D., Princeton Theological Seminary.

Jack H. Schuster, Professor of Education and Public Policy; J.D., Harvard University; Ph.D., University of Berkeley.

Daryl G. Smith, Professor of Education and Psychology; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Helen M. Smith, Professor of Music; PhD, Indiana University.

Jerome Spanier, Senior Fellow, Claremont Research Institute for Applied Mathematical Sciences and Joseph H. Pengilly Professor of Mathematics; PhD, University of Chicago.

Marjorie Suchocki, Ingraham Professor of Theology; PhD, Claremont Graduate University.

Frank Traficante, Grace H. and Fred W. Smith Professor of Music; PhD, University of Pittsburgh.

Daniel C. Vandermeulen, Professor of Economics; PhD, Harvard University.

Jack C. Verheyden, Richard Cain Professor of Theology and Ecclesiology, Claremont School of Theology, and Professor of Religion, Claremont Graduate University; PhD, Harvard University.

John M. Vickers, Professor of Philosophy; PhD, Stanford University.

Marshall Waingrow, Professor of English; PhD, Yale University.

Robert Williamson, Professor of Mathematics; PhD, University of California, Berkeley.

Joseph G. Weeres, Professor of Education; PhD, University of Chicago.

Harvey Wichman, Professor; PhD, Claremont Graduate University. (Claremont McKenna College)

Allan W. Wicker, Professor of Psychology; PhD, University of Kansas.

Robert E. Williamson, Associate Professor of Mathematics; PhD, University of California, Berkeley.

Connie Zehr, Professor of Art; BFA, The Ohio State University.

J. K. Zawodny, Professor of International Relations; PhD Stanford University.


Adjunct Professors

Laureen Adams, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Ayca Altintig, PhD, Louisiana State Univ-Administration Office

Anjali Arondekar, PhD, University Of Pennsylvania

Nancy Auerbach, PhD, Yale University

Andrew Aylesworth, PhD, Indiana University, Bloomington 

John BarcellonaDMA, University of Southern California

Tom BenavidezPhD, Claremont Graduate University

Dionne Bensonsmith, PhD, Syracuse University

Gayle BlankenburgMM, Indiana University

Anne Bray, MFA, Univerisity of California, Los Angeles

Murray BryantPhD, University of Cincinnati

Gabriele CareyPhD, University of California, Riverside

Danielle Centeno, MA, Chapman University

Steven Chen, PhD, University of California, Irvine

Bart Clarysse

Anthony Corso, PhD, Claremont Graduate University 

Mark Costanzo, PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz

Lisa Crane, MLIS, San Jose State University

Jessica Cusick, MA, New York University 

Pierangelo De Pace, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Zachary Dodds, PhD, Yale University

Andrew Dorantes, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Amy Duncan, MA, California State University, Los Angeles

Rebecca Eddy, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Chris Engman, MFA, University of Southern California

Ronald Evans, MA, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Miriam Feldblum, PhD, Yale University

Nicolle Flores, MA, Claremont Graduate University

Grace Fong, DMA, Cleveland Institute Of Music

Holly Gardinier, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Stephen Gothold, DMA, University of Southern California

Iva Gueorguieva, MFA, Tyler School of Art

Tessa Hicks-Peterson, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Karen Higgins, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

June Hilton, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Julian Hoeber, MFA, Art Center College Of Design

Susan Holstrom, MA, Claremont Graduate University 

Carmine Iannaccone, MFA, Otis College Of Art And Design

Sondos Islam, PhD, University of Southern California

Jonathan Jaffee, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Mark Johnson, PhD, Claremont Graduate University  

Arzu Kastal Can, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Virginia Kelsen, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Jenny Kim, DMA, Claremont Graduate University

Patchareeya Kwan, PhD, University of Southern California

Mimi Lauter, MFA, University of California, Irvine

Carol Lisek, DMA, University of Southern California

Marcelle Lunau, MS, Copenhagen University  

Meher McArthur, MA, London University

Matthew McGarvey, PhD, UC San Diego

John McGuirk, MPM, Carnegie Mellon University 

Jakki Mohr, PhD, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Gloria Montiel, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Miranda Nesler, PhD, Vanderbilt University 

Andrew Nguyen, PhD, Univeristy of California, Irvine

Sarah Odenkirk, JD, University Of Oregon

Ruth Ojeda, MA, University of La Verne

Saman Olfati, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Deborah Olson, PhD, Wayne State University

Paula Palmer, PhD, Alliant International University

Adrian Pantoja, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Eddie Partida, MA, Azusa Pacific University

Roberto Pedace, PhD, University of California, Riverside

Claudia Rangel, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Andreas Rauterkus, PhD, University of Cincinnati  

Michael Reafsnyder, MFA, Art Center College Of Design

Rosemary Ringwald, JD, Southwestern Law School

Warren Roberts, MA, Oregon State University

Carey Robertson, DMA, University of Southern California

Charles Roe, MM, University of Illinois 

Jennifer Rose, PhD, Columbia University

John Rutledge, PhD, University Of Virginia

Terry Ryan, PhD, Indiana University-Bloomington

Jack Sanders, MFA, California Institute Of The Arts

Adam Sawyer, DEd, Harvard University

Michael Scriven, PhD, University of Oxford

Nicole Seisler, MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Itamar Shabtai, PhD, Hebrew University Of Jerusalem

Dana Sherman, MPA, Harvard University  

Recinda Sherman, PhD, University of Miami  

Amy Shimshon-Santo, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Nadia Shpachenko-Gottesman, DMA, University of Southern California  

Ronald Smedley, MA, California State University, Long Beach

Christine Snyder, MA, Columbia University Teachers College  

James Stoner, PhD, Harvard University  

Barbara Strongin, BA, Rutgers Univ-Campus At Newark

Marek Szpakiewicz, DMA, University of Southern California

Murat Tarakci, PhD, Erasmus School of Economics  

Hovig Tchalian, PhD, Univeristy of California, Los Angeles

Yelena Tuzova, PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Camelia Voin, DMA, Claremont Graduate University

Roxanne Watson, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Laurie Wellner, PhD, University of La Verne

Chan Ho Yun, DMA, University of Southern California

Edward Zeliff, DMA, Claremont Graduate University

Xuesong Zhang, PhD, Claremont Graduate University