2017-2018 Bulletin 
    Feb 19, 2025  
2017-2018 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Economics, MA

The Master of Arts in Economics program is intended to prepare the student for a variety of applied analysis positions in both the private and public sectors.  Students develop a level of expertise in economic theory and quantitative methods appropriate to many positions in government and business. 

The MA may also serve as a prelude to more advanced graduate work.  Students endeavoring to teach in college and university are encouraged to apply to the doctoral program.

Program Requirements

The MA in Economics is a 36-unit program.  The program requires that all 9 courses or 36 units be completed with an average grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better.  The program’s Student Handbook provides additional details.

Final Paper Portfolio.  All students are required to submit two papers to the program office.  One paper must be written during the student’s first semester in the program.  A second paper should represent the student’s best work and may come from any subsequent semester that the student is enrolled in the program.  Papers are used for accreditation reviews of the program.

University Policies.  University policies detailed in the Academic Policies  section of the Bulletin apply.

General Degree Requirements

In addition to the required courses, students must enroll in an approved 4-unit ECON or SP&E course in new institutional economics or political economy.  Another 12 units from the 300- or 400-level series of ECON or SP&E courses, or approved substitutes, must be taken.  Students who have not previously taken Calculus 1 and 2 are required to register for ECON 307 (Mathematics for Social Sciences).

Core Courses (8 units)

  • ECON 302 - Macroeconomic Analysis I
  • ECON 313 - Microeconomic Analysis I if needed OR ECON 316 - Consumer Theory and General Equilibrium

Quantitative Methods (12 units)

Choose one of the following options:

Option 1

  • PP 481 - Quantitative Research Methods
  • PP 482 - Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
  • PP 485 - Qualitative Research Methods


Option 2

  • ECON 381 - Probability and Statistics for Econometrics
  • ECON 382 - Econometrics I
  • ECON 383 - Econometrics II


Electives (16 units)

Students are encouraged to develop quantitative tools and techniques that enhance a deeper and richer appreciation of the institutional contexts in which economic analysis must be conducted.  Course descriptions and outlines are available on the department’s web pages.

Choose 4 classes from the following (units do not double-count if used for core):

  • ECON 303 - Macroeconomic Analysis II
  • ECON 316 - Consumer Theory and General Equilibrium
  • ECON 317 - Game Theory and Asymmetric Information
  • ECON 318 - Foundations of Psychology and Economics
  • ECON 319 - Topics in Psychology and Economics
  • ECON 383 - Econometrics II
  • ECON 384 - Econometrics III