2024-2025 Bulletin: Policies and General Information 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Bulletin: Policies and General Information

Alcohol Policy for Student Events

See Addendum  to this Bulletin for an updated version of this policy.


A Student Event refers to any event sponsored by any student organization or club. The University is committed to upholding local, state and federal law; requiring proper management of Student Events where alcoholic beverages will be served; and minimizing the misuse of alcoholic beverages. The University wishes to ensure that the University community has a clear understanding of its expectations concerning the consumption of alcohol at Student Sponsored Events.


This policy applies to all Students seeking to serve or consume alcohol at a Student Sponsored Event.


  • Persons under the age of 21 years are prohibited from possessing or consuming any alcoholic beverage on University premises or at a Student Event (whether or not on University premises). No member of the University community may serve or furnish any alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21 years or who cannot establish that they are 21 years of age or older.

  • All events with an attendance exceeding 50 may only serve alcoholic beverages by using a professional certified bartender familiar with applicable liquor laws and capable of controlling and serving alcohol.

  • A Student Event held off-campus where alcohol will be served must only be held at a properly licensed and insured establishment, and must register the event through the Office of Student Life, Diversity Leadership (SLDL).
  • Advertising for a Student Event where alcohol will be served may not focus on the consumption of alcohol but should emphasize the purpose or other acceptable aspect of the event. On-campus advertising of the Student Event must only be placed on designated bulletin boards. The University reserves the right to remove any advertising (or refuse to send any e-mail) it determines in its discretion not to be in compliance with these requirements (or otherwise).
  • In no event should anyone under the influence of alcohol operate a motor vehicle.
  • The following actions are prohibited at all Student Events:
    • Creating, offering, or engaging in drinking games and other behaviors that may induce or encourage the consumption of alcohol.
    • Serving or furnishing alcoholic beverages to someone who appears to have exceeded their limit.
    • Forcing the consumption of alcoholic beverages for any reason.
  • Students will be held directly responsible for the destruction of personal or public property; the violation of the safety or rights of others; the violation of any federal, state or local law; or the violation of any other University policy which may occur while they are under the influence of alcohol. Such behavior will result in disciplinary action against the student by the University (including the requirement to receive psychological or medical assessment and/or counseling and appropriate treatment; suspension and expulsion) or by federal, state or local law enforcement. In addition, the University may take disciplinary action against the student organization or club sponsoring the event (up to and including loss of official status and termination of funding). If the identity of perpetrators cannot be determined, the student organization or club sponsoring the event during which property damage occurred will be required to assume financial responsibility and may also lose their official status and funding.
  • The University assumes no responsibility for any liability incurred as a result of any violation of this Policy or other University policies, or any violation of applicable laws governing the use and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Failure to comply with this Policy will result in disciplinary action by the University (up to and including, in the case of a student, suspension and expulsion and, in the case of a student organization or club, up to and including loss of official status and termination of funding).

Serving Alcohol at Student Sponsored Events

  • A student organization or club sponsoring a Student Event (whether or not on University premises) where alcohol will be served must register the event with the Student Life, Diversity and Leadership (SLDL) Office  at least 30 days prior to the event. This registration is separate and apart from any other action required to hold the event.
  • Student Sponsored Events held on-campus:
    • For events exceeding an attendance of 50, the host organization must ensure that Campus Safety is contracted to assist with the event.
    • The hiring of professional bartending services and purchasing of alcohol must be done with the approval of the SLDL Office. No other alcohol may be purchased and/or brought into a Student Sponsored Event.
    • Only wine and beer may be served or consumed. Kegs are permitted at certain registered events when provided and served by an insured, third-party vendor.
    • Two drinks per person maximum.
    • A drink is defined as follows: 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer (NIAAA, CDC). The amount of drinks approved for an event will be based on the attendance and the two drink policy.
    • Guests must wear a wristband that either the bartender or Event Host serving alcohol will attach for the guests.
    • Alcohol may not be sold and an admission fee may not be charged.
    • Non-alcoholic beverages must be prominently available in the same general location as the alcoholic beverages, food must also be available (the food items must be substantial; a full dinner is not required). Non-alcoholic beverages and food items must be available in sufficient amounts for the number of people attending.
    • Students may not appropriate, store or transport opened bottles or containers containing alcohol for later use.
    • There shall be at least two Event Hosts who shall act as non-alcohol consuming monitors at the Student Event. Their names and contact information (and acknowledgement of responsibility) must be provided in writing by submitting the Event Serving Alcohol-Registration Form to the SLDL Office at least four weeks before the event. If there is any reason that a designated representative cannot be present and act as the Event Host, an alternate must be appointed, and a revised registration form with their name and contact information (and acknowledgement of responsibility) must be submitted immediately to the SLDL Office.
    • These hosts will be responsible for ensuring that all parties involved adhere to the following guidelines:
      • The event must be confined to the assigned room or facility. Alcohol must remain within the event facility.
      • Hosts serving alcohol at an event must not consume alcohol prior to or during the event.
      • Only beer and wine may be served at student group-sponsored event.
      • The Event Host serving alcohol is required to monitor the distribution and consumption of the alcohol. Alcohol must be attended at all times.
      • Proof of age should be checked by the Event Host of Bartender when alcohol is served. This can be done by checking a state issued ID, or other legal source of identification (such as a passport).
      • Guests must wear a wristband that either the bartender or Event Host serving alcohol will attach for the guests.
      • A server may not serve more than one drink to one person at any one time.
      • Alcohol may not be served to any individual who is perceived to be intoxicated.
      • Non-alcoholic beverages and food must be available.
      • “Last call” must be made by the Event Host at least one half hour prior to the end time (events must end by 12:00 AM).
      • Communicate immediately with Campus Safety and/or the SLDL staff if there are any problems with students, guests, or uninvited individuals.

The University reserves the right to end alcohol service or to end the entire Student Event at any moment.