2021-2022 Bulletin: Policies and General Information 
    Jan 26, 2025  
2021-2022 Bulletin: Policies and General Information [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Registration & Enrollment

Lindsay Stadler, University Registrar and Director of Student Information Management
Registrar’s Office, Harper East
E-mail: student.records@cgu.edu

Office: (909) 621-8285

All students are expected to become familiar with and comply with all student policies of the University, including changes that may be made to policies and procedures. 

The policies and procedures in this Bulletin constitute requirements for all CGU students as of the archived year.  New policies and procedures may be approved and implemented following the publication of this Bulletin.  Students admitted or readmitted to a degree program are expected to meet the requirements documented in the archived Bulletin for the year during which they enter or reenter a program. Student Handbooks, available from some programs, may impose stricter policies than those stated in the Bulletin, but department policies may not be less stringent than University policy.

Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at Claremont Graduate University (CGU)

The transferability of credits you earn at CGU is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree or certificate you earn at CGU is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits, degree, or certificate you earn at this CGU are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending CGU to determine if your credits, degree, or certificate will transfer.


Continuing students register for courses for the upcoming semester during the registration period outlined in the Academic Calendar .  All tuition and fees must be paid, or payment arrangements made, by the deadlines outlined in the Academic Calendar. New students obtain registration information through their academic departments prior to the beginning of their first semester of coursework.

Registration Deadlines

The registration and enrollment process at Claremont Graduate University is managed through a number of deadlines which have been established to comply with various federal regulations.  These deadlines, announced in the Academic Calendar , govern the applicability and financial consequences of changes to student study lists–that is, to the courses in which a student is enrolled.  Failure to comply with registration deadlines may result in late fees and other penalties.  In addition, failure to register by the announced deadline may result in an interruption of student services and library privileges.  Failure to enroll by the Add/Drop deadline for regular session, announced in the Academic Calendar , results in automatic withdrawal from CGU.

In order to enroll in courses, students must clear any and all outstanding obligations and holds on their student accounts.  Impediments to eligibility for registration include financial obligations to the University, unmet academic and admissions requirements, unsatisfactory academic progress, and exceeded time to degree.  Individual departments may also place department holds on student records, requiring academic advising prior to each registration period.

To avoid late fees and other penalties, students are responsible for addressing and resolving all impediments to registration well before the registration deadline.

Term-Based Transactions: Term-based transactions include all activities that affect the student’s record and account within a given semester.  All registrations, changes to enrollment, payment and/or the specification of payment arrangements must be made no later than the last business day of the semester for which the transactions apply.  No changes may be made to semester records after the last business day of the semester, announced in the Academic Calendar .

Special Catories of Registration

Summer Visitors

Non-CGU students are invited to experience and gain graduate credit through enrollment in CGU summer semester courses.  Summer courses are taught by regular faculty, members of the Claremont Colleges, and distinguished visiting and adjunct faculty.  Courses, which are designed for currently enrolled students, include both required and elective courses that are fully integrated with the academic year curriculum.  The summer schedule is generally available on the registrar’s website by the end of March.

Students from other colleges and universities as well as to those individuals interested in a professional, graduate level, educational experience register as summer visitors.  Procedures and the Summer Visitors Registration Form are available on the registrar’s Summer Visitors webpage.  

Approval from the academic department offering the course is required for all summer visitor registrations.  Tuition, CGU Student and Technology fees, and Add/Drop refund schedules announced in the Academic Calendar  apply for all Summer registrations.

Enrollment as a summer visitor is not a guarantee of admission to Claremont Graduate University.  Individuals interested in pursuing a degree program at CGU must meet CGU admission requirements and apply through the normal Admissions process.  For information on admission, refer to the Admissions  section of the Bulletin.

Alumni Registrations

Claremont Graduate University allows alumni to enroll in individual courses on a limited basis.  Alumni are defined as individuals who have earned a master’s or doctoral degree from CGU and are not currently in a degree-seeking program at CGU.

Instructor and department approval are required.  Coursework is recorded on the alum’s CGU transcript.  An adjusted tuition and CGU Student and Technology Fees apply, along with established Add/Drop refund schedules.

Interested alumni should refer to the registrar’s Alumni Registration webpage for procedures and the registration form.

Student Status

Maintaining Continuous Student Status: Students are required to maintain a continuous student status with the University throughout their academic careers, up to and including, their graduation semesters.  To maintain student status, students must be enrolled on a continual basis through the fall and spring semesters.  Summer is an optional semester; enrollment during the summer term is not required to maintain student status.  Students who are unable to enroll for any semester for any reason should consider requesting a leave of absence to maintain their student status.  Expanded guidelines are available on the registrar’s Maintaining Student Status webpage.

Full-time status is equivalent to at least 8 units of study in a given semester and up to 16 units depending upon the requirements of the academic program in which the student is enrolled. Students enrolled in Continuous Registration/Doctoral Study are considered full-time students. Auditing a course without concurrent registration into either another unit-bearing course or Continuous Registration or Doctoral Study does not maintain student status.

In compliance with federal requirements, CGU periodically reports select enrollment information to the Department of Education.  CGU reporting is done through the National Student Clearinghouse and is used primarily to validate eligibility for financial aid and continued deferment status of students.  For international students, official enrollment data is used as verification of continued compliance with student visa and immigration requirements.

Preparing for Registration

Access Your MyCGU Portal: Before the registration period begins, be sure to check your student information on the student portal for accuracy and eligibility to enroll in courses for the new semester.

Know Your Registration Deadline Dates: Know the registration deadline dates and what fees and penalties may apply. Consult the Academic Calendar  to determine important dates and deadlines for your student transactions.

  • Registration period - late registration fees apply after the registration period ends
  • Add/Drop - change fees apply after this deadline
  • Declaration of Intent - deadline for declaring your candidacy for graduation in the current term  
  • Defense and submission of your dissertation - transactions completed after these dates may delay your graduation until the following semester
  • Last day of the semester - no registration or enrollment changes can be made to student records after this date

Online or Paper Registration: Unless your department directs otherwise, students are strongly encouraged to use the MyCGU portal for online registration. User instructions are available in through the “Help” link after logging into the portal.  Users acknowledge all disclosures for using the online registration system. Academic departments with specific or additional enrollment instructions are listed in the right sidebar.  New students should always consult their departments for instructions regarding enrollment during their first semester. The Registration (Add/Drop) Form may be used by those who do not enroll online.

Online Registration Disclosures: Please keep the following operating rules in mind when completing transactions over the student portal.

  • Registration transactions are accepted beginning the first day of the registration period.
  • Registration transactions may not be submitted over the student portal after the regular session deadline for Add/Drop.
  • When submitting enrollment transactions over the student portal, avoid dropping all classes. These kinds of transactions are interpreted by the system as your withdrawal from the University.
  • Contact your department with questions regarding your student status or eligibility to enroll in classes.
  • Contact the Help Desk for technical assistance with the student portal, including forgotten passwords or inability to connect.


Deadlines for all enrollment actions are governed by federal regulations established to ensure program integrity.  Add/Drop deadlines and refund schedules are announced in the University’s Academic Calendar , and have both academic and financial implications for students. See the Addendum  to this Bulletin for changes to enrollment and registration policies.


The CGU Schedule of Classes is available in the MyCGU portal.  Graduate students generally enroll in CGU courses although they may enroll in certain courses offered by the five undergraduate Claremont Colleges (5C), Keck Graduate Institute (KGI), and the Claremont School of Theology (CST).  Established agreements between the schools require students to obtain permission of the course instructor and, in some cases, permission of the department offering the course.  Review and approval of the student’s CGU department is required for the awarding of graduate credit.  Some undergraduate courses, such as physical education courses, do not earn graduate credit and may require payment of course fees to the institution offering the course.

Cross-registration procedures and enrollment forms are available on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage.  All enrollments, including audited courses, are documented on the student’s CGU transcript.  Courses approved for graduate credit count toward the student’s degree program. Grades received in credit-earning courses factor into the student’s grade point average and are subject to CGU grading policies.

Continuous Registration/Doctoral Study 

Continuous Registration (CR, for master’s students) and Doctoral Study (DS, for doctoral students) are used to maintain student status during the fall and spring terms while the student is working on completing degree requirements such as qualifying exams, thesis/dissertation research and composition, and dissertation defense activities.  CR/DS are not offered during the summer term since it is not a required term of enrollment. Enrollment in CR/DS qualifies the student for full-time status.  In order to qualify for enrollment in CR/DS, a student must meet the following requirements.

  • At least one semester of coursework must have been completed.  Newly admitted students and students in their first semester of another CGU program do not qualify for enrollment in CR/DS.
  • The student is not enrolled in any coursework for units.  Audits are permitted.
  • As with enrollment in the courses, enrollment in CR/DS must be accomplished during the registration period for the semester.

In some cases, a single semester of CR/DS may be used to provide a student on academic probation with time to resolve the probationary status.

Students are cautioned against incurring excessive semesters of CR/DS enrollments, which not only raise question about the student’s ability to complete the degree, but may also result in serious satisfactory academic progress  concerns.

Independent Study

In addition to established courses, CGU offers opportunities for earning graduate credit through internships and independent study/research activities.  Course numbers include, but are not limited to, the following.

  • 390 - Directed Research
  • 397 - Tutorial Reading, Master’s level
  • 398 - Independent Study, Master’s level
  • 399 - Master’s Thesis Research
  • 490 - Directed Research
  • 495 - Doctoral Research
  • 497 - Tutorial Reading, Doctoral level
  • 498 - Independent Study/Doctoral Research

The registration process for an Independent Study course is different from enrollment in regular courses and cannot be done online. This is because each activity is structured to meet the needs and interests of the individual student. Students must submit the completed Enrollment Contract and Registration Form to the department. Departments will approve and send enrollment forms to the Registrar’s Office for processing before the end of the Add/Drop period. Forms submitted to the Registrar’s Office after the Add/Drop deadline are considered late registration and are subject to the applicable fees.

Enrollment in internship and  independent study activities requires completion of an Enrollment Contract and Registration Form for Independent Study Coursework, which is available on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage. In addition to detailing course particulars, the contract requires documentation of anticipated learning outcomes for the independent coursework activities.  All independent study activities must be conducted under the supervision of a CGU faculty member or a member of the extended faculty of The Claremont Colleges.

Completing the Enrollment Contract and Registration Form:

  1. The purpose of submitting the Enrollment Contract and Registration Form is to document your independent study activity and justify the assignment of academic units for financial aid and other purposes.
  2. Identify the topic of your independent study. Be specific and focused. You should be able to accomplish your study goals within a single semester. Note that for Thesis/Doctoral research activities, you must identify the specific area of your research. “Development of a thesis/dissertation” is not acceptable.
  3. Identify a title for your independent study course. This title is recorded on your transcript to indicate the area or focus of your independent study work. If no title is submitted, a title will be supplied based upon the learning outcomes provided in the contract.
  4. Identify literature, goals, or other academic activities for your independent study. Summarize the learning outcomes you anticipate in a statement or syllabus to be included in or attached to your Enrollment Contract and Registration Form.  These anticipated learning outcomes define the terms for assessing your performance in this independent study.  When Preparing for Qualifying Exams or Developing a Thesis/Dissertation, specify the general area of your academic activity–for example, “British Literature - The Restoration Comedies” as opposed to merely “English” or “English Literature.”  For internships, attach a copy of the internship contract or detail of the intern’s responsibilities and focus of work. If an establish class will provide the framework of your study, you may attach the class syllabus.
  5. Identify a faculty member to oversee and guide your independent study. You will work closely with this instructor to accomplish your independent study goals. You will need the instructor’s signature on the Enrollment Contract and Registration Form as evidence of the faculty member’s agreement to supervise your independent study. Internships, which have an on-site supervisor, also require identification of a faculty, who will review the experience of the student and provide a grade.
  6. Specify the units to be earned by completion of the activity.  Units must be consistent with CGU credit hour policies.
  7. Enjoy your independent study activities, but be sure to complete the required outcomes by the end of the semester. You may wish to consider enrolling in your independent study on a Pass/Fail grading basis.

Independent study activities are intended to enhance the academic coursework of the degree program and should not be used as a substitute for enrollment in CGU courses. 

Transdisciplinary Courses

Transdisciplinary Studies are a unique and important characteristic of the educational experience at CGU.  Transdisciplinary (TNDY) courses, or T-courses, are offered each semester and are open to all CGU students. Doctoral students, admitted or readmitted Fall 2004 and later, are required to complete at least one T-course during their careers at CGU.

Repeat Policy

This policy is established in compliance with federal financial aid regulations and to ensure the accuracy and integrity of student academic records.  Repeat enrollment in courses is governed by this policy and applies to all courses offered at CGU with the exception of the following courses or types of courses:

  • Independent study/research courses
  • Doctoral Study and Continuous Registration courses
  • Internships
  • Music/art performance, practice, and studio courses
  • Courses for which multiple semesters of enrollment are required by the academic program
  • Courses that students must repeat in order to achieve a minimum grade specified by program degree requirements

Students may repeat courses with the approval of the student’s program and provided all of the following conditions apply:

  • The course itself does not restrict repetition.
  • The student’s department or program does not restrict repeating courses or have other limits on repeating courses.
  • Previous enrollments in the course have been assigned a permanent grade.  Permanent grades are grades other than I (Incomplete) and GP (Grade Pending).
  • The student must register and enroll for each repetition of a course.  Applicable tuition and other fees apply.
  • The course being repeated is taken with the same subject and catalog number as the previous class; one course may not be substituted with another.

All enrollments and the grade received for each enrollment in a course are recorded on the student’s transcript.  Credit may be earned only once, regardless of the number of repetitions.  The highest grade received in a repeated course is used for grade point average calculations.

The repeat policy does not apply to courses intended to be taken multiple times, such as independent study and other courses that may be specific to the discipline.  Note that financial aid may not be available for enrollment in courses that have been previously taken.  Students are urged to consult with Financial Aid prior to repeating a course.

Important Considerations for Students

The Policy on Repeating Courses is intended to ensure academic, chronological accuracy and to preserve the integrity of a student’s transcript as an official report of historical enrollment and academic performance.  Grading must be based upon performance requirements announced by the instructor of record at the beginning of the course. The Incomplete Grade process allows a student additional time to complete coursework, but does not authorize participation in subsequent offerings of the course.

Students who choose to repeat a course must be cognizant of all of the following:

  • Enrollment in a course that is being repeated must be approved by the student’s department.
  • A course may not be repeated if a permanent grade has not been assigned for a previous enrollment in the same course.  Courses for which a student has received an Incomplete (I) or Grade Pending (GP) notation may not be repeated until after a permanent grade is assigned.
  • Subsequent enrollments in a course for which the student received an I, GP, or no grade for a previous enrollment in the same course will result in assignment of a W (Withdrawn) notation for the first enrollment.  No refunds are available these previous enrollments since the course was taken in a past semester.
  • Grades for previous enrollments in a course remain on the student’s transcript.
  • The highest grade earned in a repeated course is factored into the student’s GPA.
  • Students should notify the Registrar’s Office if repeating a course so that the proper codes can be applied and the student’s GPA can be calculated appropriately.
  • Credit may be earned only once for a course, regardless of the number of repetitions of the same course.
  • Financial aid may not be available for units that accrue from repeating courses.  To determine eligibility per financial aid regulations, please consult Financial Aid.

Policies & Individual Enrollment Transactions 

Enrolling in 5C Courses: The 5C Schedule of Classes lists courses offered at the undergraduate colleges of the Claremont University Consortium.  Only certain courses are open to graduate students.  CGU students who wish to enroll in a 5C course must follow the procedure below:

  • Complete the CGU Registration Form for Courses at the 5C and obtain the approval of the 5C instructor teaching the course.  If the 5C is listed in the CGU Schedule of Classes, you may enroll online; however, the registration form should still be submitted to your department.
  • Submit your registration form to your department for approval and processing.  Your department must approve the course for graduate credit.
  • Your department will forward your form to the Registrar’s Office for processing.  In order to avoid late fees, all forms must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office no later than the Add/Drop deadline.

Enrolling in KGI Courses: Students who wish to take a course at the Keck Graduate Institute must submit the Registration Form - Claremont Colleges, which is available on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage.  Departments will forward the form to the Registrar’s Office so enrollment in the CST or KGI course can be completed.  In order to avoid late fees, all forms must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office no later than the Add/Drop deadline.  If the KGI course appears in the CGU Schedule of Classes, you may enroll online through your student portal; however, permission of the instructor is still required.  Note that if KGI courses are dropped, an Add/Drop form must be submitted to the student’s department to avoid inaccuracies and negative grade indicators on the transcript.

Prerequisites: Students are responsible for verifying that prerequisites have been satisfied before enrolling in any course with published prerequisites.  Prerequisites can be identified by accessing course information via the student portal.  Under Student Information in the portal, click on CGU Official Information and go to View Course Catalog.  Prerequisites are listed under the Enrollment Requirements Group.

Auditing a Course

Students may audit courses, except Management courses, with the permission of the instructor of the course.  Enrollment in a course on an audit basis requires submission of a Registration (Add/Drop) Form.  The forms are available on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage.

Fees for auditing courses are disclosed in the Tuition & Fees schedule published by the Office of Student Accounts  .

CGU permits students to audit a 4-unit course without additional tuition fees provided one of the following conditions applies in the semester for which the audit enrollment is desired.

  • The student, except Art students, is enrolled in at least 12 units.
  • The Art student is enrolled in at least 15 units.
  • The student is enrolled in Continuous Registration or Doctoral Study.

Course Changes (Add/Drop)

After the registration period closes, students may still make changes to their course schedules and may do so through the last day of the semester. Federal regulations require a series of Add/Drop deadlines, which specify the percentage of refund that may be due for dropping courses.  The last Add/Drop deadline identifies the date after which dropping courses are ineligible for a refund and result in a W (Withdrawn) notation on the student’s transcript. Changes made after the last Add/Drop deadline may also incur enrollment change fees.

Add/Drop policies apply to all enrollment transactions, including withdrawals and requests for leaves of absence.  Add/Drop deadlines and refund schedules are published in the Academic Calendar . Applicable refund schedules are identified by the session or module in which the course is scheduled. Requests for changes are not accepted after the last business day of the semester.

Students may make changes to their enrollment schedules through the student portal up to the regular session Add/Drop deadline for the semester.  After this date, all changes must be requested using a Registration (Add/Drop) Form, submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The form can be accessed on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage.

Students are responsible for any additional tuition charges that may result from adding courses. Refunds are made in accordance with the University’s refund policy (see Student Accounts  section of the Bulletin). Students are advised to consider the impact that adding or dropping units may have on financial aid eligibility or on immigration status and are urged to consult with the appropriate university administrators prior to making any changes.

Changing graded/audit enrollment status in a course is governed by the following rules.

  • No penalties for changes prior to the Add/Drop deadline for the semester.
  • For changes from graded to audit after the Add/Drop deadline, refunds are governed by Add/Drop deadlines.
  • For changes from audit to graded, the full tuition for the course is charged.

Withdrawal From Coursework

If unable to complete a semester of studies, a student has a number of options and should consult with the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid, and Student Accounts regarding the financial implications of any withdrawal activity considered.

A leave of absence should be considered where circumstances warrant a temporary period away from studies.  Leaves of absence are not available to students in their first semester in a program.  New students in their first semester should consider withdrawing and deferring admission.  Students who withdraw without official notification to the University lose their student status as a result of non-enrollment. Admission  or Reinstatement may be required in order for the student to resume studies at CGU.

An alternative to withdrawing from courses may be enrollment in Continuous Registration (masters students) or Doctoral Study (doctoral students), whichever is appropriate.  These types of registrations maintain student status and permit the student to return to coursework in the next semester.  Students must have completed at least one semester of enrollment in their programs to request Continuous Registration or Doctoral Study.

All withdrawal actions are subject to all Add/Drop refund schedules and applicable fees.  Late change fees and the W (Withdrawn) enrollment notation on the student’s transcript may also apply. 

Enrollment Considerations for International Students

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requires that all international students on a J-1 or F-1 visa be enrolled full time (8 units minimum) during both fall and spring semesters. Before making any enrollment changes, international students should consult International Student Services  . In addition, international students who receive Incomplete (I) grades in courses or who do not receive a grade for a course may be subject to academic probation for immigration purposes.

Questions regarding ICE requirements under the Student Exchange and Visitor Information Systems (SEVIS) Program should be referred to the international student coordinator.  Refer to the International Student and Scholar Services  section of the Bulletin.

Enrollment Considerations for Students in Online Programs

CGU’s online degree programs are only offered for residents in select U.S. states. Therefore, any students enrolled in CGU’s online degree programs must notify the Registrar’s Office if their state of residence will or has changed from the state of residence listed on their application to the program. Changes in state of residency for students enrolled in online degree programs could affect a student’s eligibility to continue in the program. More information about CGU’s online degree programs is available in the Degree Requirements Bulletin.

Credit Hours

Credit hours refers to the units or credits earned by a student for the successful completion of a course at CGU. These are the units recorded on the student’s official transcript and the same units that are counted toward degree requirements or qualifications for certificates.

The standard for credit hours is set by federal regulations governing eligibility for and the disbursement of financial aid. 34 CFR Section 668.2 refers to 12 semester hours for institutions that measure progress in credit hours and use a standard semester term. Standards are essentially the same for graduate and undergraduate education since the two are differentiated by the level of study and not the number of hours devoted to study.

For CGU courses, a single unit or credit is determined by 10.5 hours of instructional activity per semester. Instructional activity includes direct instructor contact in a physical or virtual classroom as well as asynchronous instructional content for online or hybrid courses.  When creating and scheduling courses, departments and programs must be careful to ensure that scheduled class meeting times meet or exceed the following requirements based upon the 10.5 hours per unit rule. A standard semester at CGU is 16 weeks in the Fall and Spring.

Units  - Hours - Minutes

    1.0  -  10.5  -     630
    2.0  -  21.0  -  1,260
    3.0  -  31.5  -  1,890
    4.0  -  42.0  -  2,520

Note that departments and programs that follow the schedule of standard meeting times established and published in the Call for Courses meet the requirements of the institution’s definition of credit hours.


Students are expected to attend all scheduled class meetings for courses in which they are enrolled whether on a credit or audit basis. Students should consult their department handbooks as well as their course syllabi for attendance policies specific to certain courses or programs.  Normally, in the case of excused class absences, the instructor may but is not obligated to allow students to complete examinations, missed assignments, or additional make-up work to offset absences. 

In cases of excessive absences which affect a student’s ability to effectively master the course material or meet the university’s stated credit hour requirement standards, instructors may take appropriate action, including but not limited to adjusting a student’s grade for the course or dropping the student from the course according to the published Academic Calendar deadlines.

Students with special attendance requests, such as major religious holiday observances, or unforeseen life emergencies, such as serious illness or accidents, are usually allowed to make up class assignments or tests.  Students are expected, when possible, to inform the instructor in advance of an absence and to make arrangements for missed work.

Transfer Credit

Students may transfer a limited number of units from other institutions toward their degree programs at Claremont Graduate University. Procedures and the Transfer Credit Request Form are available from the Registrar’s Form Index webpage. University requirements are provided in this section; however, students are urged to consult with their academic programs, which may impose additional requirements and evaluation assessments.

General Requirements: In order to be considered for acceptance as transfer credit to CGU, coursework must meet all of the following conditions.

  • All transfer credit requests must be accompanied by an official transcript from the institution where the coursework was completed and units earned.
  • Coursework must have been completed at the graduate level (unless a student is enrolled in an approved Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program ).
  • Coursework must not have counted toward a student’s undergraduate degree (unless a student is enrolled in an approved Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program ).
  • Coursework must have been completed at a regionally accredited institution.
  • Coursework must have been completed at a grade B or better (a grade of B+ or better is required for students in an accelerated bachelor’s to master’s program  where units are transferred from Soka University of America).
  • Coursework must be relevant to the student’s degree program at CGU and be appropriate quality and currency.
  • If the institution was outside the United States, coursework units must not have been used to qualify for what would be equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree.

Evaluation: For U.S. colleges and universities, the legend of an official transcript provides sufficient information for evaluation.  Coursework for which credit, pass, or satisfactory grades were earned require official documentation from the institution indicating that the grade is equivalent to a B or better.  In some cases, course syllabi and other documentation about the course or institution providing the instruction may be required to determine eligibility.

CGU reserves the right to require review by a foreign credentials evaluator of any coursework for which transfer credit is requested. Reasons for requiring an external evaluation include the absence of an official transcript that certifies regional accreditation or affiliation with a regionally accredited institution; the absence of credit hour or grading standards at which the coursework was completed that would assist in calculating and substantiating the transfer credit requested. In the event an external evaluation is required, CGU’s perferred provider is World Education Services (www.wes.org). The student requesting the transfer credit would assume responsibility for submitting the request directly to the third party evaluator as well as for paying all fees incurred.

For institutions outside the U.S. which award European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits and which are listed as such on a student’s official transcript from that institution, CGU calculates these credits as: 2.5 ECTS credits = 1 CGU unit.

Completion Dates: Transfer credit may be granted for coursework completed before an individual becomes a student at CGU as well as for coursework taken while the individual is a CGU student.

  • Applicants: Transfer credit for coursework completed before an individual becomes a student at CGU is submitted and evaluated as part of the individual application process.  Departments must complete the Transfer Credit Request Form, specifically identifying the courses for which transfer credit is to be granted.
  • Current Students: CGU students should obtain approval from the academic department prior to enrolling in courses outside of CGU.  Upon completion of the course, a transcript is submitted to the academic department for review.  Departments complete the Transfer Credit Request Form, attach the official transcript, and submit the package to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
  • Age of Courses: Individual programs reserve the right to deny transfer credit for any and all coursework that may be considered old, dated, or no longer relevant to the discipline.

Transcript Notation: Approved transfer credit is recorded on the CGU transcript. The number of units accepted and the name of the institution from which the units were earned are documented.  Individual course titles and grades are not listed on the CGU transcript.  Grades earned in courses accepted for transfer credit are not factored into the student’s grade point average at CGU.

Limitations for Master’s Degrees 

The number of units which may be accepted as transfer credit toward a master’s degree at CGU is governed by the total number of units required for the degree.

  • For programs requiring 60 units, no more than 15 units may be accepted.
  • For programs requiring 48 units, no more than 10 units may be accepted.
  • For programs requiring less than 48 units, no more than 6 units may be accepted.
  • For Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Programs, the number of units accepted depends upon the specific degree and academic department. General transfer limits for students in accelerated programs are available here .

Limitations and Considerations for Doctoral Degrees

No more than 24 units may be accepted as transfer credit toward a doctoral degree at CGU.  In some cases, the general content of a particular program of study or the achievement of a graduate degree may be used to justify the assigned of transfer credits unit.

Limitations and Considerations for Dual Degree Programs

See the Dual Degree section  of this Bulletin.


Program Changes

Changes to a student’s degree program, field, or concentration must be approved by the student’s faculty advisor and dean. A Change of Degree Form, which is available on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage, is used to initatiate changes and additions to a student’s program of study. Requests to add a new academic field or discipline are treated as an application for admission to the new program. Students may be required to provide additional documentation, such as letters of recommendation, for evaluation by the admissions committee of the new department.  Approved changes are effective at the beginning of the semester following the date of receipt of the approved Change of Degree Form in the Registrar’s Office.

General Policies

Changes to student programs are governed by the academic policies of the programs involved.

  • Approved changes are effective at the beginning of the semester following the date of receipt of the approved Change of Degree Form in the Registrar’s Office.
  • Students are responsible for determining and finalizing departmental financial arrangements prior to submitting a request for a program change.
  • International students must secure approval from the International Student and Scholar Services  office for any program changes.
  • Students who graduate from one program and are admitted into a new degree program are generally expected to begin the new program in the next semester.  Enrollment in a new program may be deferred, but for no more than one year.

Coursework for Multiple CGU Degrees

Students may only share units between two degrees. If a student completes two degrees and units are shared, he/she may not transfer or count any of the units from either of those degrees towards any subsequent CGU degree. Students accepted into a third degree program at CGU are responsible for completing all of the degree requirements of the third program.

Application of Units and Credits for Dual, Interfield, or Joint Degrees

See the Enrollment in Multiple Programs  section of this Bulletin.

Application of Units and Credits to New or Subsequent Degrees

For students transferring between programs within CGU, units earned for CGU coursework may be applied toward another degree’s requirements provided the courses are relevant, applicable, and are within the limitations described below. Units earned in CGU coursework, however, may only be applied to two degrees. If a student completes two degrees and units are shared, they may not count any of the units from either of those degrees towards any other CGU degree.

Previous CGU coursework credit that is applied toward a student’s new program must be documented using the Appy CGU Coursework to an Additional CGU Degree form, which is available on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage. This form is completed jointly by the student and the student’s advisor and must be approved by the department.

  • Doctoral Degrees
    • If a student counts units from a completed  CGU master’s degree in the exact same field, all master’s units may count towards the doctoral degree upon approval.
    • If a student counts units from a completed CGU master’s degree in a different field, a maximum of 24 related units may count towards the doctoral degree upon approval.
    • If a student did not or will not complete the master’s degree and moves into a doctoral degree in the same field, all related units, upon approval, may count up to the maximum allowed in the doctoral program.
  • Master’s Degrees
    • If a student transfers units from a completed CGU master’s degree to a new master’s degree, the number of units that may count are based on the number of units required to complete the new master’s degree: 
    • No more than 15 units may be transferred into master’s requiring 60 units
    • No more than 10 into those requiring 48 units
    • No more than 6 into those requiring fewer than 48 units

Leaves of Absence

CGU identifies three different types of leaves of absence.

General Leave of Absence

The University grants leaves of absence to students for military service, family leave and other personal situations, medical disability, and financial hardship, and for Teacher Education students unable to secure a teaching internship.  Leaves of absence are granted for one semester and are not automatically renewed.  Additional semesters of leave require a new request each semester.  Except for those in active military service, students are limited to two consecutive semesters on leave of absence status.  If a student expects to be away from studies for a year or longer, withdrawal from the University is recommended. When ready to resume studies, the student may apply for Reinstatement.

A leave of absence is a student’s time away from studies. Students are not expected to engage in coursework while on a leave of absence. Collaboration with faculty, working on Incomplete grades, use of University facilities, and access to student services are not available to students on a leave of absence. Students who wish to continue library services must request and pay the CGU Student and Technology Fees  during the semester of leave. For the period of an approved leave, the student is not required to register in order to maintain student status. Individuals employed in CGU positions that require student status may not continue in those positions during a leave of absence.

For leaves granted due to medical disability, military service, family or financial hardship, or Teacher Education lack of internship status, the student’s time to degree is automatically extended for the period of the approved leave.

Eligibility: You must have completed at least one semester of studies in your degree program in order to request a leave of absence.  In addition, you must provide and document acceptable reasons for the requested absence from your studies.

A Leave of Absence Request Form (available on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage), along with the appropriate documentation to support the request must be submitted to the Registrar during the registration period of the applicable semester, but no later than the last business day of the semester. If a leave is requested after the start of a semester, only those courses for which no grade has been recorded may be dropped. Add/Drop policies and deadlines in the Academic Calendar  apply to all refunds and transcript notations.

Students with financial aid and those who have received aid in previous semesters are advised to consult with a financial aid representative prior to requesting a leave of absence. Changes in enrollment affect student eligibility for financial aid.  In addition, semesters without enrollment impact the student’s qualification for deferment status.

International students must consult with the international student coordinator when anticipating the need for a leave of absence since serious immigration consequences may result.

Research Leave of Absence

In exceptional circumstances, if a student needs to be away from CGU in order to complete research for their degree at another location, permission for a leave of absence of up to one year for full-time research or other activities directly related to a student’s academic program may be approved. Students who are on an approved Leave of Absence for Research may consult with and be advised by faculty, but in accordance with the general conditions listed for Leaves of Absence, degree requirements such as qualifying exams or research tools may not be completed and recorded during a research leave.

Procedure: Leaves of Absence for Research are requested in writing. Complete the Leave of Absence Request and in your personal statement, indicate that you are seeking a leave for research purposes. Requests must include:

  • Provide a tentative itinerary of dates and locations which will serve as the sites for your research, specifying educational institutions, corporations and business entities, government agencies, and research facilities to be visited.
  • Identify distinguished professionals with whom you intend to meet (if applicable).
  • Specify why you are unable to conduct your research at CGU and how the research you propose will enhance your degree program goals or contribute toward the composition of your dissertation.
  • If you expect to attend a program at another institution, provide details about the program, including location, courses or program of study, and a statement about how this opportunity contributes to your degree program goals. Note: Be sure to obtain the appropriate documentation should you plan to request Transfer Credit for an academic activity when you return to CGU.

Leaves of Absence for Research must be approved and signed by the student’s academic advisor and are submitted to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

Conditions & Limitations: During an approved leave, you are exempt from paying tuition fees (Doctoral Study, Continuous Registration, etc.). Research leaves do not affect the time limit for completion of all your degree requirements. To avoid delays when you are ready to return to CGU, be sure to check the expiration term of your time to degree before embarking on a Leave of Absence for Research.

Involuntary Leave of Absence

It is the policy of Claremont Graduate University that if any student, because of an apparent medical or psychological condition, poses a threat to the physical well-being to self or any other member of the Graduate University or Claremont Colleges community, or a threat of serious destruction of property, such student may be placed on an involuntary leave of absence. This policy applies to medical and psychological problems only, and not to matters solely of a disciplinary nature. A copy of the procedures for implementation of this policy may be viewed on PolicyStat. Add/Drop policies and refund schedules in the Academic Calendar  apply.


  • Leaves of absence may have serious implications.
  • If you received financial aid or other student loans during the semester of your requested leave, your eligibility for aid may be affected by changes in enrollment.  It is your responsibility to determine your lender’s requirements regarding approved leaves and repayment. Contact Financial Aid (finaid@cgu.edu or 909-621-8337) for assistance before submitting your leave of absence request.
  • If you are not enrolled but received financial aid or other student loans in the past, please note that your existing loans may go into repayment status. Repayment generally begins six months from the last semester of enrollment.  It is your responsibility to determine and understand your lender’s requirements regarding approved leaves and repayment. Contact Financial Aid (finaid@cgu.edu r 909-621-8337) for assistance before submitting your leave of absence request.
  • If you are an international student, you must consult with the International Student Coordinator before submitting a leave of absence request to ensure your continued compliance with SEVIS requirements.   Contact international@cgu.edu or (909) 607-0434.

Withdrawal from CGU

Withdrawal means termination of the relationship between the student and CGU. The following considerations should be taken into account when withdrawal is considered.

  • Students who are working with faculty on completion of degree requirements may no longer continue in their programs.
  • Financial implications may result, including compliance with Add/Drop refund schedules and academic reporting, loss of aid eligibility, and activation of loan repayment status.  Students with current or outstanding loans should consult with financial aid and student accounts representatives.
  • International students must consult with the international student coordinator before attempting to withdraw since there may be serious immigration consequences as a result of withdrawal.

Withdrawal may occur in different ways.

Automatic Withdrawal: Students are withdrawn from the University for failure to maintain an active student status.  Students who do not register by the Add/Drop deadline are automatically withdrawn from CGU.  The Add/Drop deadline is announced in the University’s Academic Calendar . Students who are withdrawn due to lack of enrollment and who do not register by the end of the semester in which they were withdrawn must apply for Reinstatement when ready to resume their studies.

Voluntary Withdrawal: Students may withdraw themselves from CGU using the Registration/Enrollment Change (Add/Drop) Form (available on the Registrar’s Form Index webpage) or by writing to the registrar. Students who wish to return to CGU at a later date should specify their desires in their statement of withdrawal. Withdrawals after a semester has begun are governed by Add/Drop policies in regards to tuition refunds and impact on the student’s academic record.

Unintentional Withdrawal: Students are cautioned against unintentionally withdrawing themselves during the online registration process. Registration for at least one class should be made before the registration deadline to ensure continuity of student status and student services. When enrollment transactions are submitted through the student portal, classes should be added before any classes are dropped.  Students who drop all of their courses are automatically withdrawn by the registration system, resulting in an inability to access the online enrollment system.  Consult the registrar’s office for assistance in these situations. 


Claremont Graduate University reserves the right to dismiss students from their programs of study.  Reasons may include violations of University Policies , lack of Satisfactory Academic Progress  or progress to degree , and health and safety considerations.


Students who have not maintained a continuous student status and who wish to resume their studies at CGU must apply for reinstatement, sometimes referred to as readmission. An Application for Reinstatement, available from the Registrar’s Form Index webpage must be completed. The application requires that a personal statement be attached, indicating the reasons for returning to CGU and renewed commitment to completing their program.

Generally, Reinstatement is limited to students who have not been enrolled at CGU for less than five years.  Students who have not been enrolled at CGU for five years or more may be required to reapply to the degree program through the Admissions Office 

Depending upon the length of time since the student’s last semester of enrollment, additional documentation may be required by the admissions committee.

  • Updated letters of recommendation
  • Updated resume
  • Official transcripts
  • GRE, GMAT, or other test scores
  • A degree plan or outline of dates and academic goals to establish a new time to degree  

All applications are reviewed by the program’s admissions committee.  Depending upon the age of the coursework already taken, students may be required to repeat courses, enroll in additional courses, pass additional exams, or repeat/complete additional degree requirements.  For graduation purposes, reinstated students are held to the degree requirements of their program as published in the CGU Bulletin for the semester of the student’s reinstatement.

The Reinstatement process is available only to students wishing to return to the same degree program in which they were last enrolled.  Students wishing to begin a different program at CGU must submit a new application through Admissions  .

Students who have outstanding obligations to CGU or who were previously dismissed from the University are not eligible for Reinstatement.

A nonrefundable reinstatement fee (see Student Accounts ) is required at the time of application. Questions about reinstatement and submission of the application are directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Enrollment Status and Loan Deferment

For loan eligibility and deferment purposes, a student registered for at least 8 units is considered full-time.  A student registered for at least 4 units is considered to be half-time. Verification of a student’s enrollment status for third parties, including lenders, employers, and other organizations, is provided by the National Student Clearinghouse, an agent for the University. Information and procedures on requesting verifications of enrollment can be found on the Student Records webpage.

Doctoral students registered in Doctoral Study and master’s students enrolled in Continuous Registration are considered full-time students.  Full-time enrollment through Continuous Registration or Doctoral Study is limited by time to degree standards and applicable financial aid regulations.

Students registered in the Teacher Education Internship Program  are considered full-time for purposes of loan eligibility and deferment while taking a minimum of four units of coursework in fall or spring along with the teaching internship.

Deferments, or extended grace periods before the repayment period for loans begins, are subject to financial aid regulations.  Generally, the initial grace period for repayment of student loans is determined by the last semester of the student’s enrollment, not by the date of graduation.   Students should always consult with their lenders regarding rules specific to their individual loans.