2017-2018 Bulletin 
    Jul 26, 2024  
2017-2018 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

University Policies

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Code of Conduct

Claremont Graduate University is committed to maintaining a community and environment that promotes our educational mission of preparing a diverse group of outstanding individuals to assume leadership roles in the worldwide community through research, teaching, and practice in selected fields. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to respect the person and property of all constituents, and the educational and administrative processes and policies of Claremont Graduate University and The Claremont Colleges.

Violation of this basic code of conduct on the property of any of The Claremont Colleges or the Claremont University Consortium constitutes an offense against Claremont Graduate University and may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


Academic potential is the criterion Claremont Graduate University has traditionally applied in selecting students. Claremont Graduate University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability in any of its policies, procedures, or practices, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This non-discrimination policy covers admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, the Graduate University’s programs and activities. The Graduate University recognizes its obligation to provide overall program accessibility throughout the campus for disabled persons. To request a copy of the grievance procedures covering discrimination complaints, or to request information regarding equal opportunity policies and the filing of grievances, contact the appropriate university representative listed below:

Faculty: Patricia Easton

Executive Vice President and Provost

Harper Hall 122

(909) 621-8068

Staff: Brenda Leswick

Associate Vice President Human Resources

Harper Hall 118

(909) 621-8686

Students: Elysabeth Flores Griffith

Assistant Vice President of Student Services

Harper East


Inquiries regarding federal laws and regulations concerning non-discrimination in education or the Graduate University’s compliance with those provisions may also be directed to:

Office for Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Education

Old Federal Building

50 United Nations Plaza

San Francisco, CA 94102

Policy on AIDS and Nondiscrimination

Claremont Graduate University does not discriminate against any student, administrator, faculty member, or staff member who has, or is perceived to have, AIDS, AIDS-related complex (ARC), or HIV seropositive status. A copy of the full CGU policy statement regarding AIDS and non-discrimination is available from the dean of students.


Admissions: Consideration of AIDS, ARC, or a positive HIV antibody test is not a part of the admissions process.

Academic, Social, and Residential Life: Any student who has, or is perceived to have, AIDS, ARC, or a positive HIV antibody test is allowed to attend classes, participate in CGU social and residential life, and use all CGU facilities as long as he or she is physically able. If the disease becomes disabling, CGU shall endeavor reasonably to accommodate the student. In so doing, it will follow the same principles that it uses in dealing with students affected by other physically disabling conditions.


Hiring, Promotion, and Tenure: Consideration of AIDS, ARC, or a positive HIV antibody test is not to be a part of the hiring, promotion, or tenure process.

Employment and Use of Facilities: Administration, faculty, and staff who have, or are perceived to have, AIDS, ARC, or a positive HIV antibody test are allowed to perform their jobs and participate in CGU social and residential life as long as they are physically able. Any such condition, or perceived condition, is not a basis for excluding a member of the administration, faculty, or staff from work, from classes, or from CGU facilities. If the disease becomes disabling, CGU shall endeavor reasonably to accommodate the individual. In so doing, it will follow the same principles that it uses in dealing with individuals affected by other physically disabling conditions.

Sick Leave Procedures: AIDS or ARC will be treated as any other illness, and CGU will conform with CGU’s sick leave and disability leave procedures for administration, faculty, and staff members with AIDS or ARC.

Students:Lisa Flores Griffith
AVP of Student Services and Dean of Students and Campus Life
Phone: 909-607-1887

Staff:Brenda Leswick 
Associate Vice President, Human Resources
Harper 162
(909) 621-8686

Policy on Explosives, Firearms, and Other Weapons

Possession, use or transportation of firearms or “deadly weapons” is prohibited on the property of the Graduate University. According to the California State Penal Code, Section 626.9.(b), any person who brings or possesses a firearm upon the grounds of, or within, a private institution is guilty of a felony which is punishable by imprisonment in the State prison for one, two or three years. In addition, the use of firearms in Claremont, Los Angeles County or in the western portion of San Bernardino County is prohibited by law.

The State law, as well as the Claremont Graduate University, prohibits bringing firecrackers or explosive materials of any kind onto any part of the campus or into the buildings. This includes combustibles in containers such as gasoline cans. Also, gasoline-powered scooters and motorcycles cannot be stored in Graduate University housing.

Illegal knives, switchblades and other blades that violate California State Law are prohibited. BB guns, pellet rifles and other weapons that propel projectiles are also prohibited and are not allowed on campus.

If necessary, recreational items may be stored at Campus Security.

Violation of this policy by any member of the community will result in confiscation of the weapon and may result in disciplinary action.

Student Grievances


A “grievance” is a statement by a student that he/she has been wronged by either a failure to follow, or a breach by Claremont Graduate University of its established policies and practices which includes, but is not limited to, discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, place of national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability. Complaints regarding faculty judgment of academic performance, which do not allege discrimination on any basis listed above, are not subject to a grievance procedure.

A “student” is anyone who was properly enrolled in the University at the time the perceived wrong occurred.

A “complaint” is the formal statement of his/her grievance that a student files with the Dean of Students. 

Time Limits

Complaints of grievances arising from situations that may occur after the ratification of this procedure must be filed within six calendar months after the situation took place.

The time limits in this Student Grievance Procedure do not include periods when the University is in recess.

Anyone who cannot perform some procedural step on time must ask the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students (hereafter “Dean of Students”) for an extension before the time limit has been exceeded. Failure on part of the student to observe any time limit or to receive an extension shall be taken by the Committee to mean that the student has abandoned his/her complaint, and no further action on the matter shall be allowed. Failure on the part of someone named in a complaint either to observe a time limit or to receive an extension shall be taken by the Committee to indicate that person’s agreement with all statements in the complaints.


If either the student making the complaint of the person(s) named in the complaint cannot perform any of the steps outlined in this procedure, including the hearing, he/she may appoint someone to represent him/her during these stages.

Settlements Prior to a Hearing

If the grievance can be resolved by some mutual consent of both parties before it comes to hearing, and the resolution requires some formal administrative action under the established policies of the University, then the Dean of Students shall forward to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs a statement of the grievance and its proposed resolution. This statement must be approved by both parties. The Provost and the Vice President for Academic Affairs may then either approve the resolution and take the required action or order that the remainder of the procedure be carried out. b) If the proposed resolution does not require such administrative action, then the resolution shall be considered the final step in the procedures, and no subsequent complaints or defenses on the matter shall be heard.


Who Acts What Action
Student Meet with the person(s) immediately involved in the dispute and discuss the problem. This step is voluntary if the grievance involves allegation of discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual assault.
Other Party Discuss the problem with the student






Time limit: The meeting between the student and the other party must take place within ten business days after it is requested.


Who Acts What Action
Student If Step One has not resolved the problem, consult with the Dean of Students.
Dean of Students Consult with the student involved. Try to resolve the difficulty.




Time limit: The student must consult with the Dean of Students within five business days after meeting with the other party, or, if no meeting has been held, within five days after the end of the time limit in Step One.


Who Acts What Action
Student If Steps One and Two have not resolved the problem, complete the Grievance Form (attached) and by completing the form you are requesting the Dean of Students to arrange a meeting between you, the other party, and the Dean of Students. This step is not required if the grievance involves an allegation of discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual assault. Students raising this type of allegation will not be required to meet with the other party or to participate in informal resolution attempts as a prerequisite to filing a Statement of Grievance under Step Four, below.
Other Party Meet with the student and the Dean of Students.
Dean of Students Meet with the student and the other party. If the problem cannot be resolved at this meeting, direct the parties involved to complete a Statement of Grievance (student) and a Response to Grievance (other party).





Time limit: The meeting between the Dean of Students, the student and the other party must take place within tenbusiness days after the student requests it. If the matter remains unresolved, the student and the other party must submit completed statements to the Dean of Students within five business days following the meeting. These documents shall be sent to the Chair of the Committee on Student Grievances within three days following their receipt.


Who Acts What Action
Student If the grievance involves an allegation of discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual assault, and the student chooses not to participate in Step Three, the student must file a Statement of Grievance with the Dean of Students to request a hearing.
Other Party Provide a Response to Grievance to the Dean of Students, if not previously submitted in Step Three.
Dean of Students The original statements shall be forwarded to the Chair of the Committee on Student Grievances (CSG). Generally, each party shall receive a copy of the opposing party’s statement. However, if the grievance involves an allegation of discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual assault, a copy of the complainant’s statement will not be provided to the opposing party if it is not necessary to identify the complainant in order for the accused to respond, or in order to investigate and resolve the complaint.Notify the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Chair or the supervisor of the department of the other party, the Graduate Student Council, and, if appropriate, the administrator responsible for the issue under debate that a formal grievance hearing will be held. Only the name of the parties involved shall be made known; all other details must be held in strict confidence.
Committee on Student Grievances Conduct a hearing on the grievance in accordance with the approved procedures and submit recommendations to the Provost and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and to the principles.






Time limit: A hearing must be scheduled within fifteen business days after the committee receives the Statement of Grievance forms from the Dean of Students. Recommendations must be submitted to the Provost and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and to the principles within three business days following completion of the hearing.


Who Acts What Action
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Review the documents to make sure that all steps in this procedure have been followed; then consider the recommendations of the Committee on Student Grievances, make a decision, and send a written notification of the decision to all parties.



Time limit: The decision of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs must be made within ten business days following receipt of the comments.


Either of the parties involved in the grievance may appeal the decision of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs to the President of the Graduate University. If an appeal is filed, the other party will be notified and provided an opportunity to respond. An appeal must be made within five business days after the Provost and the Vice President of Academic Affairs has announced his/her decision, and any response to the appeal must be made within five business days of notice that an appeal has been filed. The decision of the President shall be final and must be made within ten business days following receipt of an appeal and any response from the other party. Both parties will receive written notice of the President’s decision.

Student Files: Privacy and Access (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, (a) establishes a post-secondary student’s general right to inspect and review his or her education records, and (b) generally prohibits outside parties from obtaining the information contained in such records without the student’s written consent. The law also provides several exceptions. For example, a student may not examine confidential letters and statements of recommendation that were placed in the files before January 1, 1975. Also, a student may choose to waive access to certain confidential recommendations placed in the file after that date.

The paragraphs below delineate the procedures under which Claremont Graduate University will meet the law’s requirements.

Claremont Graduate University currently maintains the following types of educational records that are directly related to students:

  1. Registrar’s Files.The registrar is responsible for maintaining files that contain official transcripts of work performed by CGU students at other institutions, official CGU transcripts, and copies of occasional letters written by faculty and administration along with student replies. These letters generally are about academic programs, examinations, fellowships, etc. In addition, there are records of students’ progress in their programs. Members of the faculty and administration have access to these files for use in student advisement. Also, the school’s transcript clerks have access to the files in order to maintain them and to provide authorized data to authorized persons.
  2. Department Files. Each department chair is responsible for maintaining files that contain essentially the same kinds of material as the registrar’s files. These separate files are maintained for the convenience of the departments and are used in advising students. Members of the faculty in each department and the department staff have access to these files.
  3. Credential Files. At the request of students, the Office of Career Services and Corporate Relations maintains files containing evaluations from faculty and staff of Claremont Graduate University and other institutions attended, confidential letters of recommendation written by referees for the benefit of the students, and papers that students have prepared themselves. In addition to the director, the staff of the Office of Career Services and Corporate Relations has access to these files to carry out the work of the office.
  4. Admissions Files. The Admissions Office staff is responsible for maintaining files that contain letters of recommendation for admission to the University, transcripts of work performed at other institutions, scores of examinations that may be required by various departments, and the student’s statement of purpose. All materials submitted become the property of the University. The admissions office staff and members of the admissions committees of the various departments also have access to these files for the purpose of carrying out the admissions function. After a student has been admitted to the University and actually registered for study here, these files are transferred to the registrar.
  5. Financial Aid Files. The Office of Student Financing is responsible for maintaining files that contain applications and award letters for all forms of federal and institutional aid, correspondence with lenders, loan-tracking documents, and information regarding awards from previous institutions. The Office of Student Financing staff has access to these files in order to process financial aid applications and advise students.
  6. Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Student’s Files. The vice president for student services and dean of students is responsible for maintaining files that contain background information and official documents about alleged student misconduct, disciplinary hearings, and student grievances. Information about student misconduct, alleged misconduct, and student grievances is considered to be confidential and is divulged on a strict “need-to-know” basis. The provost and vice president for academic affairs, the vice president for student services and dean of students, and their administrative staffs have access to the files for the purpose of conducting necessary investigation of charges, administering disciplinary or grievance hearings, and maintaining institutional records of such hearings. A copy of the policy regarding retention of these files is available from the vice president for student services and dean of students.
  7. Student Accounts Files. The Student Accounts Department is responsible for maintaining files that contain payment contracts, student and third party payments, authorizations to charge or reverse charges, correspondence with the student and with third party sponsors, collections information and bankruptcy documentation. The staff of the Student Accounts department as well as members of the University’s administration has access to these files in order to justify all data activity and remain compliant with auditors as well as to advise students.

In addition to the persons named above, the administrators of the University–the president, provost and vice president for academic affairs, vice president for student services and dean of students, and vice provost–have access to all records directly related to CGU students. Graduate University faculty and staff, including school attorneys, may access student records in which they have a legitimate educational interest.

Students and former students should apply to the registrar if they wish to review any of their personal files. They will be asked to complete a form specifying which records they wish to see. The registrar will then collect the desired material so that the student or a person designated by the student may examine it in the presence of a representative of the University.

In no case will access be withheld more than 45 days after proper request has been made. If the student wishes, the University also will supply copies of material in the file at cost: 50 cents per page. If any material or document in the educational record of a student includes information on other students, the University will not supply the actual material or document. Instead, the University will provide only the specific information contained therein that directly relates to the student seeking access. In addition, no student may have access to (a) financial records of parents or any information contained therein; (b) confidential letters and statements of recommendation which were placed in any file before January 1, 1975; or (c) any confidential recommendations to which the student has properly waived the right of access.

After a student has reviewed the files requested, the University will respond to any reasonable request for explanation or interpretation of material that they contain.

A student who desires to have any material in the files altered or expunged on the ground that such material is inaccurate or misleading, or that it is being maintained in violation of his or her right to privacy or other rights, may obtain a hearing before a special committee upon submitting a written request to the dean of students. The special committee will be composed of representatives of the student body, faculty, and administration. At the hearing, the student will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised. The committee’s decision will be made in writing within a reasonable period of time after the conclusion of the hearing. The committee’s conclusions may then be appealed by means of a complaint filed with the U.S. Department of Education.

Whether or not a student requests a hearing, and regardless of the outcome of any such hearing, the student may insert into his or her files a personal written explanation concerning any material the student believes is inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate.

The privacy of student files is and will always be scrupulously safeguarded. Claremont Graduate University will make public without student consent only certain “directory information.” Directory information consists of:

  • name
  • CGU email address
  • degree/certificate program of study
  • concentration of study
  • dates of attendance
  • degrees, certificates, and honors received, including the conferral date
  • most recent previous institution attended
  • photograph
  • published dissertation/thesis title

A student who prefers that such “directory information” not be made public must notify the registrar in writing prior to the last day to add courses for the semester. The request for nondisclosure remains in effect until rescinded by the student. Except for “directory information” and except for certain parties listed in the act, the University will not release to outside parties any student’s files or information contained in such files unless prior written consent has been obtained from the student concerned. The outside parties excepted by the act generally consist of certain federal and state officials, accrediting organizations, and educational agencies who need the information for valid educational purposes. Also, the University is authorized to release information contained in student files in any emergency situation where the information is needed to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.

A student (or applicant for admission) is permitted to waive access to confidential recommendations written on his or her behalf respecting (1) admission to any educational agency or institution; (2) an application for employment; or (3) the receipt of an honor or honorary recognition. In some cases, it may be in a student’s best interest to so waive the right because waiver may cause the recipient of a recommendation to feel it is more “honest” and hence more valid in its statements about the student. Any student who wishes to waive access to recommendations may do so on a form available from the registrar. On the form, the student also may ask to be notified of the names of all persons making confidential recommendations. In no case will waiver be required as a condition for admission to, receipt of financial aid from, or receipt of any other services or benefits from the University. Also, waivers will be void as to any recommendations used for purposes other than those for which they were specifically intended. The foregoing applies only to recommendations placed in files after January 1, 1975. As stated previously, both confidential letters and statements of recommendation, which were placed in the files before January 1, 1975, are not subject to student access. The Office of Career Services and Corporate Relations can supply detailed information to students who are concerned about their academic credential files.

A student who consents to release to outside parties any part of his or her files must do so in writing, personally signed and dated. Such writing much specify the records to be released, the reasons for such release, and the names of the parties to whom such records may be released. A form for this purpose is available in the Office of the Registrar. A student whose consent is required also may request a personal copy of the specific records in question.

The University maintains a record of all outside parties who have requested or obtained access to a student’s education records, and their specific interest in obtaining such access. This record of access will be available only to the student and to the previously named Graduate University officials who are responsible for maintaining the various files.

The University reserves the right to remove and destroy any material from any student’s files, except when a student has properly requested access to the files and has not yet been granted admission.

Academic Honesty


The ideal of academic honesty is crucial to the integrity of a college or university; conversely, academic dishonesty undermines the very basis upon which institutions of higher education are organized and function. All students at Claremont Graduate University are expected to meet the highest standards of honesty in the performance of their academic work. Toward that end, Standards of Academic Honesty and procedures to enforce these standards fairly are hereby adopted.

Standards of Academic Honesty

The Standards of Academic Honesty proscribe (but are not limited to) the giving or receiving of unauthorized help in examinations or other assignments, plagiarism and other unacknowledged or undocumented use of source material, and forgery.

Violations of Standards

A student shall be subject to discipline for any violation of the Standards of Academic Honesty.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Sanctions available would be those appropriate to the violations and will include, but not be limited to, any one of the following: an official reprimand; a requirement to repeat an assignment, an examination, or a course; a requirement to complete an alternative assignment or examination; a failing grade for an assignment, an examination, or a course; suspension; expulsion from the Graduate University; or revocation of a certificate or degree.

Committee on Academic Honesty

A Committee on Academic Honesty (CAH) is established.

Its primary purposes shall be, in accordance with the procedures outlined below, to receive and evaluate evidence of alleged violations of the Standards of Academic Honesty and to make recommendations for the disposition of cases involving alleged violations. The Committee shall also make recommendations to the Provost of the Graduate University (hereafter, the Provost) and to the Faculty of the Graduate University for changes in standards and procedures, as it deems appropriate, and shall report annually to the Faculty of the Graduate University.

The Faculty Grievance Committee is charged with the responsibility of carrying out the duties of the Committee on Academic Honesty. In order to fulfill these duties and responsibilities, the FEC must empanel two faculty members from a stratified (by gender) random sample of tenured full professors according to the Faculty Grievance procedures, along with two graduate students recommended by the Graduate Student Council and a designated representative of the administration, as the Committee on Academic Honesty. If the Graduate Student Council fails to make a recommendation within a reasonable time (generally two weeks) the Provost will appoint students to the CAH. Individuals who have an actual or perceived conflict of interest with a pending case should not serve as members of the CAH.


In cases of an alleged violation, these general procedures will be followed:

A faculty member who believes that a student has violated one or more of the Standards of Academic Honesty will promptly so inform the student and present the student with the reasons for this belief.

If, after learning the student’s response, the faculty member continues to believe that a violation has occurred, the case shall proceed in one of the following ways:

If the faculty member deems the alleged violation to be minor, the faculty member may attempt to resolve the matter in a manner satisfactory to both the faculty member and the student. If the matter is so resolved, the faculty member shall report the matter and its resolution in writing to the Provost, including submitting any materials or evidence relevant to substantiating the violation (e.g., copies of student papers or exams). The Provost will note that the student has been found guilty of a violation; this note will be made in the student’s file but will not appear on the student’s transcript. In addition, the Provost will notify the student that this violation has been recorded, with copies of this notification going to the originating faculty member, the unit head or dean of the school in which the student is enrolled, and the dean of students.

If the faculty member deems the alleged violation to be minor, but the student is not satisfied with the faculty member’s proposed disposition of the violation, the student may independently appeal the issue to the CAH.

If the faculty member deems the alleged violation to be serious, the faculty member will refer the matter to the CAH, normally within two weeks, giving reasons for the faculty member’s belief that a violation has occurred and providing any materials or evidence relevant to substantiating the violation (e.g., copies of student papers or exams). In that report, the faculty member may recommend a penalty.

Any student alleged to have committed more than one violation (either because of prior or concurrent instances of the same or different violations) will be referred to the CAH as a serious violation by the Provost.

If a faculty member refers an alleged violation to the CAH, a student dissatisfied with the penalty imposed by a faculty member for an alleged minor violation appeals to the CAH, or if a student has multiple allegations or instances of violations recorded by the Provost, the CAH will promptly inform the student and the faculty member or Provost in writing, and will consult with them as to the necessity for or desirability of a hearing. If a hearing results from this consultation, the CAH will schedule one as soon as possible.

The CAH will review materials submitted about the case and may also gather other materials and documents it deems relevant for determining whether or not a violation has been committed, and for making a recommendation about an appropriate penalty in the case of a violation.

Following the hearing, or in the absence of one, the CAH will promptly decide whether the alleged violation has or has not occurred and will submit a written report of its findings to the Provost, normally within two weeks. If it decides that a violation or violations have occurred, the CAH will include in its report its recommendation of a penalty which it considers appropriate. This penalty may be the one recommended by the faculty member or some other penalty in conformity with paragraph 4. The CAH will also transmit the relevant files to the Provost.

The Provost will then review the case and decide whether to accept or reject the recommendation of the CAH, to modify it, or to remand the case to the CAH for further determinations. The Provost will advise the student, the originating faculty member, the unit head or school dean in which the student is enrolled, the dean of students, and the CAH in writing of the action taken, normally within two weeks of receiving the case.

If the Provost decides to impose a penalty (of whatever kind), the student, within a reasonable time (normally within two weeks but as specified in the written notice from the Provost), may appeal this decision to the President.

If the student appeals, the Provost will promptly transmit the relevant file and the recommendation to the President. The President will act within a reasonable time (normally within two weeks), and may concur with the decision of the Provost, may choose to modify the decision, may dismiss the case, or may decide to remand the case to the CAH for further determinations. In all actions by the President but the last, the case will be considered closed.

Degrees Awarded

If evidence arises that an academic degree was earned in violation of the Standards of Academic Honesty, a faculty member or the Dean of Students may recommend to the Provost that the degree be revoked. The Provost may then refer the matter to the CAH for its recommendation. If the CAH, after an appropriate hearing, recommends to the Provost that the degree be revoked, the Provost will forward his or her own recommendation to the Graduate University faculty, then to the President who, in turn, will forward his or her own recommendation to the Board of Fellows. The Board will have final authority in decisions regarding revocation of a degree.

Appropriate Use of Campus Computing and Network Resources Policy

An overall guiding mission of The Claremont Colleges is education in an environment where the free exchange of ideas is encouraged and protected. The Claremont Colleges make available computing and network facilities (CNF) resources for use by the Colleges’ students, faculty and staff. These services are provided for educational purposes and to carry out the legitimate business of the Colleges.

The Colleges and members of the college communities are expected to observe Federal, State and local laws that govern computer and telecommunications use, as well as the Colleges’ regulations and policies.  You must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute information or materials, or to participate in activities that are in violation of federal, state or local laws or other Colleges policies or guidelines.  These include, but are not limited to, policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property and sexual or other forms of harassment.

Computing and network facilities resources users are required to use these resources within the Colleges’ standards of conduct. Individuals with expert knowledge of information systems or who make extensive use of these facilities, or with a position of trust regarding these facilities will be held accountable to a higher standard.

Responsible, considerate, and ethical behavior expected by the Colleges extends to use of computing and network facilities resources, and networks throughout the world to which electronic access has been provided. These CNF resources include but are not limited to:

  • Computers and associated peripheral devices
  • Campus video cable
  • Classroom presentation systems
  • Voice messaging equipment
  • Data networking equipment systems, including remote and wireless access
  • Computer software
  • Electronically stored institutional data and messages 
  • All other similar resources owned, controlled, and/or operated by the Colleges and services to maintain these resources


The Colleges retain absolute ownership rights of the CNF resources. Such resources are not owned by a department or by any individual. CNF resources leased, licensed, or purchased under research contracts or grants, are administered under the terms of this Policy for as long as they remain within the lawful possession or control of the Colleges. CNF resources provided to on-campus residences are also owned, operated and provided by the Colleges.

Access to Resources

Access to CNF resources is a privilege, which is allowed only to the Colleges’ authorized personnel and students. All users must understand and abide by the responsibilities that come with the privilege of use. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. You must understand and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
  2. You must not intentionally seek information about, browse, copy, or modify non-public files belonging to other people, whether at a Claremont College or elsewhere.  You must not attempt to “sniff” or eavesdrop on data on the network that are not intended for you.
  3. You are authorized to use only computer resources and information to which you have legitimately been granted access. Sharing your passwords with others is expressly forbidden. Any attempt to gain unauthorized access to any computer system, resource or information is expressly forbidden. If you encounter or observe a gap in system or network security, immediately report the gap to the manager of that system.
  4. Each College’s Policy on Harassment applies as equally to electronic displays and communications as to the more traditional (e.g., oral and written) means of display and communication.
  5. Messages, sentiments, and declarations sent as electronic mail or postings must meet the same standards for distribution or display as physical (paper) documents would on college property.
  6. Unsolicited mailings and unauthorized mass mailings from campus networks or computing resources (i.e., “spam”) are prohibited. Each campus may have specific policies regarding the use of existing group mailing lists (e.g., all-students or all-faculty). Contact your campus IT organization for details regarding these policies.
  7. Spoofing, or attempts to spoof or falsify e-mail, network or other information used to identify the source, destination or other information about a communication, data or information is prohibited.
  8. You must not degrade computing or network performance in any way that could prevent others from meeting their educational or College business goals.  You must not prevent others from using shared resources by running unattended processes, by playing games or by “locking” systems without permission from the appropriate system manager.
  9. You must conform to laws and Colleges policies regarding protection of intellectual property, including laws and policies regarding copyright, patents, and trademarks.  When the content and distribution of an electronic communication would exceed fair use as defined by the federal Copyright Act of 1976, users of campus computing or networking resources shall secure appropriate permission to distribute protected material in any form, including text, photographic images, audio, video, graphic illustrations, and computer software.
  10. You must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute information or materials, or to participate in activities that are in violation of federal, state or local laws.
  11. You must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute information or materials in violation of other Colleges policies or guidelines.  These include, but are not limited to, policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property and sexual or other forms of harassment.
  12. You must not create or willfully disseminate computer viruses, worms, or other software intended to degrade system or network security.  You must take reasonable steps to prevent your system from being used as a vehicle for such actions.  This includes installing system and software patches as well as anti-virus signatures files.
  13. Use of CNF resources for advertising, selling, and soliciting for commercial purposes or for personal gain is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Colleges.  Faculty, students or staff who have questions about the legitimacy of a particular use should discuss it with the appropriate members of the IT staff on their home campus.
  14. The disclosure of individually identifiable non-directory information to non-university personnel is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The disclosure of financial or personnel records that are owned by the Colleges without permission or to unauthorized persons is not permitted and may be prosecuted under California Penal Code 502.
  15. Willful or unauthorized misuse or disclosure of information owned by the Colleges will also constitute just cause for disciplinary action, including dismissal from school and/or termination of employment regardless of whether criminal or civil penalties are imposed.  It is also expected that any user will report suspected abuses of CNF resources.  Failure to do so may subject the individual to loss of CNF access and/or the disciplinary action referred to above.

The respective Information Technology organization of one of the Claremont Colleges may immediately suspend service to an individual or computer found to be significantly degrading the usability of the network or other computer systems.  Inappropriate use will be referred to the appropriate College authority to take action, which may result in dismissal from school and/or termination of employment.

Password/Security Codes

Individuals entrusted with or that inadvertently discover logins and passwords are expected to guard them responsibly. These passwords are not to be shared with others. The same policy applies to door codes for restricted-access rooms/areas. Those who need logins or door codes can make a formal request to the administrator of those codes/passwords.

Note: The provisions of this Policy apply to the institutions comprising The Claremont Colleges, including the Claremont University Consortium.

Supplemental Information to the Appropriate Use Policy

File Confidentiality

Your documents, files and electronic mail stored on a College-owned networked computer or server are normally accessible only by you. However, any file or document placed on a College-owned computer or network is subject to access pursuant to this Policy, and thus, should not be regarded as private or confidential. The system managers at both CINE (Claremont Intercollegiate Network Effort) and within the individual campus IT organizations have the ability to monitor traffic and directly view any file as it moves across the network, and they must occasionally do so to manage campus network resources. In short, files may be monitored witho ut notice in the ordinary course of business to ensure the smooth operation of the network. All staff members working in information technology have clear guidelines that prohibit violations of privacy and confidentiality and, in the normal course of their work, they do not view the contents of user files or e-mail. However, you should be aware that authorized College personnel will take appropriate steps to investigate when there is a suspicion of inappropriate use of campus computing or networking resources. This may include monitoring network traffic, its contents, and examining files on any computer system connected to the network.

You should also know that all files on shared (i.e., networked) systems, including e-mail servers, are backed up periodically on schedules determined by each College. Backup tapes are preserved for lengths of time also determined by individual College operating procedures. These tapes can be used to restore files that you have deleted accidentally. This means that the files on the tapes are also available to someone else with reason and authority to retrieve them.

Network Monitoring

Troubleshooting on the campus network, as well as planning for enhancements, requires the collection of detailed data on network traffic. CINE regularly runs monitoring software that records and reports on the data that is transported across the campus networks. The reports
include the origin and destination addresses, and other characteristics of files, including the URLs of the World Wide Web sites that are contacted. This data is accessed and used only by authorized IT staff members responsible for network performance, operations and planning. You should also be aware that many Web host machines on the Internet collect and log information about you and your identity when you visit their sites. This information may include, but is not limited to, information about the computer you are using, its address, and
your e- mail address.

Many educational and business activities at the Colleges require network access to resources on the Internet. To ensure adequate bandwidth to these sites for the Colleges’ primary educational and business purposes, CINE and campus IT staff may restrict the amount of traffic to particular sites and the amount of traffic of specific types.

From time to time these network monitoring activities may allow systems managers to identify individuals whose activities downgrade the performance of the campus network or a segment of the network, or which appear to violate the general guidelines for appropriate use of campus computing and network resources. In such instances, a CINE staff member or a member of your own College’s IT staff may ask you to cease these activities. If you continue such activities, or if they include illegal activities, appropriate College authorities may be notified. In extreme cases, network privileges may be revoked on an interim basis pending resolution of the issue. The individual campuses determine specific corrective or disciplinary actions.

Religious Holidays

Claremont Graduate University recognizes the importance of religious holidays. As this is the case, the University encourages faculty to make reasonable accommodations necessary for the student’s observance. This may include excused absences, opportunities to make work up, including tests and quizzes, at a later date etc. Students must provide faculty reasonable prior notice of religious holidays on which they will be absent.

Demonstration and Response Policy

This is a shared policy of The Claremont Colleges (TCC) which include Pomona College, Claremont Graduate University, Scripps College, Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Pitzer College and the Keck Graduate Institute, in concert with the Claremont University Consortium (CUC). Each of these member institutions respects the rights of free speech and peaceable assembly and supports their exercise on TCC campuses and CUC properties. The Claremont Colleges embrace the principles and purposes of free speech and free assembly including non-violent and respectful demonstrations and protests. Individuals and groups interested in organizing a peaceful demonstration are encouraged to contact the respective college(s) as soon as practical to ensure the proper understanding of and compliance to this policy and any other relevant policies of the involved college(s).

Participation in a demonstration, action, or assembly that is disruptive or non-peaceful or involves the disruption of campus operations on the property of any of The Claremont Colleges or the Claremont University Consortium or any affiliated institutions is prohibited. In such cases where the exercise of free speech and assembly becomes disruptive or non-peaceful the individual college(s) and the CUC will act according to this Policy.

Determination of when a demonstration, action or assembly is non-peaceful or disruptive may be difficult, but The Claremont Colleges individually and collectively subscribe to the general definitions and guidelines listed below.

  • Non-peaceful demonstrations, actions, or assemblies are those that (i) endanger or injure, or are likely to endanger or injure, any person, OR (ii) that damage, or are likely to damage, any property.
  • Disruptive demonstrations, actions, or assemblies are those that restrict free movement on any of the campuses or interfere with, or significantly impede, access to the operations or activities or facilities of any of The Claremont Colleges or the Claremont University Consortium.
  • In accord with existing federal and state laws, no demonstration, action, or assembly shall be approved for, and no participant shall carry in any manner, any weapon or replica of any weapon. Such weapons include firearms, knives, and other objects that are prohibited by law from campus or replicas that have the appearance of such a prohibited weapon.

Examples of demonstrations, assemblies or actions that may be in violation of this Policy include, without limitation, those that involve: fighting or other aggressive behaviors or actions; amplified sound that can be heard inside of classrooms or other TCC or CUC buildings during times of use; unreasonably impeding the ingress and egress of any facility; or the stationary positioning of demonstrators upon any roadway on or adjacent to any of the colleges that blocks passage.

Any officer or designee of an affected college or the CUC, on that person’s home campus, is authorized to address and respond to any individual or group violating this Policy. Any individual acting in a non-peaceful or disruptive manner, whether that individual is acting individually or within a group, may be charged on the basis of the individual’s or group’s behavior with a violation of this Policy. Actions may include arrest, other legal action, or notice of disciplinary charges to be handled through the appropriate disciplinary procedures of the home college or the CUC.

In the event of a non-peaceful or disruptive demonstration, action, or assembly on the property of any of The Claremont Colleges or the Claremont University Consortium, or any of their affiliated offices or programs, the affected college(s) or the CUC will act according to the following procedures:

  • The President(s) of the affected college(s) or the Chief Executive Officer of CUC, in the case of CUC property, will determine whether or not direct discussion will take place with those involved in the demonstration, action, or assembly.
  • The President(s) or CUC Chief Executive will determine the actions to be taken including, but not limited to, provisional or summary suspension or arrest if individuals or groups do not comply. The President of the affected college may decide summarily to suspend the affected college’s own student, recommend summary suspension of a student from another college, or summarily remove a non-member of the TCC community for
  • violating this Policy. Persons not affiliated with any of the colleges will be subject to
  • administrative action by the involved college(s) and criminal prosecution, if necessary, to preserve the safety of TCC community members and operations.
  • Officials at the other colleges will promptly provide assistance in identifying disruptive or non-peaceful individuals to the college(s) where the disruption occurred or to CUC.
  • While officials at affected colleges may temporarily revoke any or all student privileges or take steps to end disruptive or non-peaceful protests, the college at which the student is enrolled, and only that college, may adjudicate complaints and make final decisions about alleged violations of conduct, apart from those decisions made by a court of law. Officials at the home campus agree to acknowledge requests for disciplinary action—including requests for suspension—and take action that is consistent with and allowed by disciplinary procedures at the student’s home campus.
  • All individuals who are engaged in a disruptive or non-peaceful demonstration, action,
  • or assembly may be notified that they are trespassing. Persons who continue to trespass after notification are subject to arrest by law enforcement officers or Campus Safety Officers (see California Penal Code Section 834).
  • Individual colleges and CUC may bill students or file civil suits to recover damages and costs.

Visitation Policy

Due to potential liability issues, students are prohibited from bringing personal visitors (children, relatives, friends, and other associates who are not registered students at CGU or one of the Claremont Colleges) to the CGU campus for extended periods of time. The CGU facilities are intended solely for use by CGU’s faculty, staff, and students. Should it become necessary for a student to have a personal visitor on campus for a short period of time, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that CGU faculty, staff, and other students do not have their work disrupted as a result.

Intercampus Complaints

Complaints by a student, including alleged discrimination on any basis, relating to an individual affiliated with one of the other Claremont Colleges may be directed to Vice Provost for Student Services and Dean of Students, Harper East, (909) 621-8965.

When a Graduate University student is on the campus of another of The Claremont Colleges, he/she is expected to respect the regulations of that college as well as those of the Graduate University. If a student of another of The Claremont Colleges violates the regulations of the host college, judicial action may be brought against that student at his/her home college. The name of the student concerned, along with all pertinent information, will be sent to the dean of students of the college involved.

The administration of the host college may, at its own discretion, prohibit a student from coming onto its campus until judiciary action at the student’s home college is complete. Such a prohibition will be communicated to the student through his/her home college at the request of the host college.

External Complaint Information

An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The Bureau may be contacted at: 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Ste. 400 Sacramento, CA 95833. Phone: 916.431.6924  Fax: 916.263.1897  Website: http://www.bppe.ca.gov.

General Requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

General requirements and operational guidelines of the policy are available in the section of Satisfactory Academic Progress .

Property Loss

The University does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to students’ personal property. Students should examine their own insurance policies and determine whether they cover the student’s belongings in Claremont.

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