2007-2009 Bulletin 
    Jan 26, 2025  
2007-2009 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Student Information


Alumni and Donor Relations

Jagels Building, 165 E. Tenth Street
Claremont, CA 91711
Office: (909) 607-7149

The Office of Alumni and Donor Relations is dedicated to nurturing lifelong relationships between Claremont Graduate University and its alumni and friends. The Office engages alumni, students, faculty, and friends through exclusive programs and services that promote loyalty, advocacy, and participation in the education, research, and community service activities of the University.

The Office, in collaboration with the academic Schools and programs of CGU, sponsors alumni activities on campus and in regional communities. Alumni also remain connected with CGU through the online alumni community http://alumnicommunity.cgu.edu. In addition, alumni receive a lifetime subscription to the Flame magazine, and are eligible for alumni benefits through the CGU Career Management Center, Preparing Future Faculty and Learning Communities Program, and the libraries of The Claremont Colleges. Alumni are encouraged to visit our website to share their accomplishments, submit address changes, and to keep informed of alumni and campus events. Students who are interested in alumni programs or opportunities are invited to contact the Office of Alumni and Donor Relations.

Black Student Affairs

139 E. 7th Street
Office: (909) 607-3669
Fax: (909) 621-8969
Website: www.cuc.claremont.edu/obsa

The Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA), through its academic services and cultural programs, helps create a campus environment for students of African descent that will help them attain their undergraduate and graduate degrees. OBSA also helps students develop appropriate educational plans, mature career paths, emotional autonomy, coping skills, feelings of self-worth and independence, a positive ethnic identity, mature relationships with peers, and a responsible lifestyle. OBSA’s programs and services include Academic Strategies Workshops, the New Student Retreat, Black History Month programs, leadership training, speakers series, and poetry readings. All programs and services are open to all students of The Claremont Colleges.

Campus Safety

Campus Safety Office
251 E. 11th Street
Office: (909) 621-8170
From campus phone: 72000

Campus Safety personnel are on duty 24 hours a day year round to help provide safety and security for students, faculty, and staff. Campus Safety is staffed by 22 full-time and 35 part-time employees who are specifically trained and responsible for a full range of public safety services including: crime reports; apprehension and arrest of suspects; enforcement of all federal, state, and local laws, as well as college policies and regulations; responding to suspicious activity/persons, medical emergencies, fire emergencies, traffic accidents, and safety hazards; parking enforcement; escort services; and a host of related security services.

The department has an active crime prevention unit to help provide the community with comprehensive programs promoting the elimination and reduction of crime. However, it must be recognized that ultimately each individual is responsible for his/her own safety and security. In this regard, the following suggestions are highly recommended:

  • Report all crimes and suspicious activity/persons immediately (ext. 72000). Prompt reporting may assist in apprehension and prevention of future crimes.
  • Keep your residential/office door(s) locked and do not prop open exterior doors.
  • Exercise good judgment when walking alone at night.
  • Request escort service when traveling alone on campus at night (ext. 72000).

All students, faculty, and staff must register their cars and motorcycles with Campus Safety every academic year. Vehicle registration is available for new students at fall registration; students can register vehicles at Campus Safety any time. Temporary parking permits are required for visitors and are available at no charge at Campus Safety any time.

Campuswide lost and found is located in the Campus Safety Office.

Career Management

1263 N. Dartmouth Ave
Office: (909) 621-8177

The Office of Career Management focuses on personalized career planning. Whether the future path is decided or undecided, we can tailor our approach to fit your needs. Our comprehensive services consist of workshops, presentations, and events that are designed to educate students about the career development process. Through the use of alumni relations we offer students a unique opportunity to gain insight from those who are knowledgeable in the field. By accessing specific information about their career interests students can make informed decisions about skill-set for an appropriate job fit. We are available not only for students, but also for alumni. Our resources, combined with our new partnership with DBM Job Scout, are packed with quality, and our complete range of services can assist students every step of the way.

Make an appointment today with one of our career counselors. The earlier students come in, the more we can do to help them prepare for a successful future.


McAlister Center for Religious Activities
919 N. Columbia Avenue
Office: (909) 621-8685

Dedicated to empowering and enhancing spiritual life at The Claremont Colleges, the Interfaith Office of the Chaplains directs the programs of McAlister Center for Religious Activities. Assisting students in making contact with members of their community of belief, the chaplains—a Protestant minister, a Catholic priest, and a Jewish rabbi—coordinate a wide range of events, programs, and pastoral counseling for the Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Zen, Latter-Day Saints, Christian Science, Unitarian, and other communities. The chaplains also direct The Claremont Colleges Community Service Center, which provides diverse volunteer opportunities in the local area.

Located within McAlister Center are the Community Service Center, a meditation chapel, a library, a fireside lounge, and the chaplains’ offices.

Chicano/Latino Student Affairs Center

757 College Way
Office: (909) 621-8044
From campus phone: 18044
Website: www.cuc.claremont.edu/chicano

The Chicano/Latino Student Affairs Center (CLSA) is committed to the retention and graduation of Chicano/Latino students at The Claremont Colleges. Programs are provided throughout the year that allow students the opportunity to enrich their cultural identity, social development, and their leadership role in the college community. CLSA encourages and supports social responsibility and community-building. Chicano/Latino Student Affairs offers services and activities that celebrate the history, heritage, and culture of Chicanos and Latinos in the United States, the Caribbean, and the Americas. CLSA is housed in the Claremont University Consortium Student Services Building.

Claremont University Consortium

150 E. Eighth Street
Website: www.cuc.claremont.edu
Office: (909) 621-8000

CGU is a member of the Claremont University Consortium. Visit www.cuc.claremont.edu for information about the participating Claremont Colleges, services, programs, events, and venues.

Disabled Student Services

James Whitaker
Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students/Student 504 Coordinator
Harper East
Office: (909) 621-8965

Claremont Graduate University is committed to offering auxiliary aids and services to students with verifiable disabilities, in compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. To ensure that individual needs are addressed, students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the dean of students.

Graduate Student Council

E-mail: gscboard@cgu.edu

The Graduate Student Council (GSC) provides a formal link among the students, faculty, and administration and is composed of members from each department of the University, a part-time student representative, international student representative, and one ex-officio member, the vice president for student services and dean of students. The council controls a budget determined by the University and allocates funds to projects of value and interest to students, including travel and research grants. All council meetings are public. The council earnestly seeks to represent the opinions of the students and to ensure the quality of student life and experience at Claremont Graduate University.


Website: www.cgu.edu/hagelbargers

Hagelbarger’s is an informal gathering place for students, faculty, and staff. The facility offers a continental breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu. Catering services are also available. Visit our website for current menu and hours of operation.

Health Insurance

The University encourages all students to obtain comprehensive medical coverage to supplement the limited services available through the medical center and the counseling center. One such program, available through the Colleges, is described in a brochure available in the Office of the Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students and at the Student Health Service Office. International students should refer to the “Information for Applicants” section on medical requirements.

Health Services

We believe quality, integrity, accountability, respect, and courtesy are priorities in all services and relationships at the Student Health Service. As health care becomes more complex, patient care requires a team effort. We encourage students to take an active role in their own health and to follow up for additional care and testing as recommended. The staff of the Student Health Service consists of physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses who make every effort to provide excellent medical attention in a caring and efficient manner.

Health Service

Student Services Building
757 College Way
Office: (909) 621-8222
From campus phone: 18222
Fax: (909) 621-8472

The Student Health Service is located in the Robert E. Tranquada Student Service Center on the corner or 8th Street and Dartmouth, in front of Honnold Library.

Hours. Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (fall and spring semester). Extended hours on Wednesdays until 7:00 p.m.

Requirements. All students regardless of status (e.g. part-time, exchange or transfer student) are required to have a health history, physical exam, and immunization record on file at Student Health Service.

Appointments. Appointments begin at 8:30 a.m. Appointments can be made starting at 8:00 a.m. by telephone. A $10.00 charge will be assessed for any missed appointments unless canceled two hours in advance. Walk-in hours are: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Walk-in patients are triaged to appropriate care and are charged $10.00 if seen by a physician or nurse practitioner. Urgent Care. No appointment charge. Urgent care is available for serious illness or trauma as determined by the triage nurse e.g., bleeding, possible fracture).

Costs. There is no charge for regular appointments; walk-in visits are $10.00; there is a charge for supplies, lab tests, drugs, etc., as needed. Charges do not have to be paid for at the time of service.

Counseling Services

Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS)
757 College Way
Office: (909) 621-8202

Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS) is located in the Claremont University Consortium Student Services Building located immediately south of Eighth Street and College Way. MCAPS has a staff of psychologists, consulting psychiatrists, and graduate psychology interns who provide therapeutic and educational services, including individual, couples, and group therapy. Workshops and groups on a variety of topics also are available. Referrals to other counseling resources are often made for more extensive or ongoing help. There is no charge for the services of the psychologists at the Center; however, inmost cases there is a charge for the services of the consulting psychiatrists.


Office of Real Estate and Housing Services
1229 N. Dartmouth Avenue
Office: (909) 607-2609
Website: www.cuc.claremont.edu/realestate

You may visit the Office of Real Estate and Housing Services in person or see the webpage. The webpage has information about both on- and off-campus housing. If you have additional questions after reviewing the webpage, you may contact the housing coordinator by e-mail or phone.

Huntley Bookstore

Huntley Bookstore of The Claremont Colleges
Corner of Eighth Street and Dartmouth Avenue
Website: www.claremont.bkstr.com

The Bookstore was established in 1969 with a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Huntley. In addition to selling textbooks and other course material required for classes, the bookstore has an extensive selection of general reading titles in stock as well as a wide variety of student and office supplies, gifts, sundries, and snack foods. The computer store offers academic pricing for computers and software, and stocks peripheral needs at competitive prices. Online ordering for textbooks, computers, and general merchandise is available on the website. A full-service ATM is located in the foyer of the store. Store hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday; and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday.

I.D. Cards

Claremont Card Center/Claremont Cash Program
Lower Level of McAlister Center
919 N. Columbia Avenue
Office: (909) 607-2273

All students are required to have a CGU student I.D. Card.

The Claremont Card Center provides I.D. card services for The Claremont Colleges. There is no charge for your initial I.D. Card. The Card Center also manages the Claremont Cash program.

Claremont Cash can be used to purchase both food and nonfood items throughout The Claremont Colleges, as well as at local merchants in and around Claremont. All students, faculty, and staff of The Claremont Colleges have a Claremont Cash account established as soon as your I.D. card is created.

For details about how to obtain your student I.D. card, please visit www.cgu.edu/id.

Information Technology

Audio Visual Department
Office: (909) 607-3695
E-mail: audio.visual@cgu.edu.

Help Desk
Academic Computing Building, room 109
Walk-in hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Office: (909) 621-8174
E-mail: helpdesk@cgu.edu (available 24/7/365)

Information technology services are provided to all CGU students and faculty by the Office of Information Technology (OIT).

Services include:

  • Classroom technology
  • Computing labs
  • Network services (e-mail, file storage, etc.)
  • Help desk

OIT has outfitted all but one of the 24 classrooms with technology to support our students and faculty. Classroom-based technology includes networked instructor stations, data projectors, and access to CGU’s wireless network. In addition to classroom-based technology, students and faculty can request a variety of “loaner” equipment through the Audio Visual Department including laptops, digital cameras, portable data projectors, and a video camera.

The Help Desk is available for students who have difficulty connecting to the services listed below. OIT cannot work on students’ personal equipment.

OIT maintains five computer labs across campus for use by all CGU students. Labs are located in ACB 111, ACB 113, the Humanities Resource Center, the Burkle Building, and Harper Hall. A wide variety of software is available. Students with laptops may “plug in” or access CGU’s wireless network from the labs. In addition to the labs managed by OIT, some academic departments operate dedicated labs.

All students can access the following services provided by the Technical Services Department in the Office of Information Technology:

E-mail. All students receive an e-mail account with an “@cgu.edu” address. Each account holds a maximum of 150MB of items and is accessible via http://cgumail.cgu.edu. E-mail accounts are protected from spam and viruses by the Postini spam filtering service. Additional services available through the e-mail system include an address book, a to-do list, and a calendar. CGU student e-mail accounts expire six months from the end of the last term attended. However, as a graduate of CGU, students may receive a lifetime CGU alumni e-mail forwarding address, which directs e-mail to your personal or business e-mail account. This e-mail forwarding service is available through Alumni Affairs.

Web File Services (WFS). Students receive 100MB of file storage space available via the Internet at wfs.cgu.edu. Additional storage space is available upon request, on a case-by-case basis. Files stored on WFS are password protected, but can be shared with others to facilitate collaboration.

Wireless Networking. Students can use their CGU user ID and password to access the CGU networked resources via the campus wireless network. Users without a CGU user ID are passed directly through to the Internet.

Student Portal. All students enrolled in coursework have access to CGU’s student portal. The portal provides secure access 24/7 to register online, view grades, generate transcripts and degree progress reports, read important messages, and view financial aid, the student bill, and more.

International Place

International Place of The Claremont Colleges
390 E. Ninth Street
Office: (909) 621-8344
Website: iplace.claremont.edu

The International Place of The Claremont Colleges (I-Place) is an intercollegiate center for international and domestic students, scholars, faculty, and staff. I-Place seeks to increase international and multicultural understanding and friendship through programs for the entire community, such as Thursday lunch programs on global issues and the annual Spring International Festival.

The center also offers services for international students such as airport pick-ups, orientation programs, homestays, support groups, workshops on career and INS issues, and individual assistance. I-Place houses the student International Club. The Lounge, open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., is located on the Claremont McKenna College campus, one block east of Honnald Library on Ninth Street.


The Claremont Colleges are served by a centrally administered system of four libraries whose holdings are available to all members of the academic community. Honnold/Mudd Library houses the main social sciences and humanities collections; Denison Library, on the Scripps campus, houses collections in the humanities and fine arts; Seeley G. Mudd Science Library, on the Pomona campus, and Sprague Library, on the Harvey Mudd campus, house collections in the sciences and engineering. Each of the libraries has individual and group study places, and each provides network connections, including wireless connectivity, for students with laptops.

The Libraries are partners with The Claremont Colleges in learning, teaching and research. Librarians and staff in each of the four libraries provide assistance with locating and using both traditional and electronic information sources. The Libraries also offer research assistance via e-mail and instant messaging. One of the major activities of the Libraries is teaching students how to find, evaluate, and effectively use information. Research instruction for classes and other groups, as well as individual appointments for instruction and research assistance, may be scheduled in each of the libraries. Classes in Honnold/Mudd Library are held in either the Keck Learning Room or Keck 2, the Libraries’ hands-on classrooms.

The Libraries’ collections include well over 2 million volumes. The Libraries also have extensive holdings of journals, magazines, and newspapers: currently we provide online electronic access to articles in over 35,000 journals, and we receive more than 3,500 journals and other serials in paper. The Libraries’ large collection of electronic resources provides ready access to a wide variety of bibliographic, full-text and multimedia information. Through the Internet, it is possible to search Blais, the online catalog, or any of hundreds of databases including services such as Lexis-Nexis Academic and Social Science Citation Index. Full-text resources include electronic books and journals, as well as specialized resources such as the Early English Books Online, Congressional Quarterly’s CQ Library, and the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. The Claremont Colleges Digital Library (CCDL) provides access to a growing number of digital collections from The Claremont Colleges, as well as from the Libraries’ Special Collections. Most of these resources are accessible via the Internet to students, faculty, and staff of The Claremont Colleges in their dorms, labs, offices, and homes, as well as in the Libraries.

Honnold/Mudd Library is a depository for United States government publications, with a collection of historic documents dating back to the late 1700s and many recent publications in electronic formats. The government publications collection also has extensive holdings issued by the State of California, the United Nations, other international agencies, and Great Britain. The Asian Studies Collection in Honnold/Mudd has a collection of materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages. The Libraries have a large collection of microforms, including long runs of newspapers, early printed books from England and the United States, and anthropological source materials in the Human Relations Area Files.

Among the Libraries’ special collections are the Oxford Collection, comprising books about the university and the city of Oxford, and the Renaissance Collection, which focuses on the life and work of Angelo Poliziano, both available from Special Collections in Honnold/Mudd Library; the Ida Rust Macpherson Collection at Denison Library, which focuses on the history and achievements of women; and the Woodford Collection of rare and historical geology books at Seeley G. Mudd Science Library.

The Libraries offer Interlibrary Loan services and maintain partnerships that provide access to books, articles, and other materials not immediately available in our collections. Partnerships include LINK+ and the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago. The library collections of two affiliated institutions in Claremont, the Claremont School of Theology and Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, as well as the collection at the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, are included in the Blais library catalog and are available to students, faculty, and staff of The Claremont Colleges.

Small collections at individual colleges serve specialized needs. At Claremont Graduate University, for example, the George G. Stone Center for Children’s Books serves the field of education.

Mail and Duplicating Services

Office: (909) 621-8320
Website: www.cgu.edu/mail

The mailroom, located in the basement of Harper East, offers most services provided by the U.S. Postal Service. Photocopying and fax services also are available to students.

Minority Mentor Program

Office: (909) 607-7433 or (909) 621-8577

The Minority Mentor Program (MMP) is a network of minority students at Claremont Graduate University. MMP is dedicated to the social, cultural, and academic well-being of students of color. Through its mentor-protégé pairings, MMP seeks to provide first-year students with a sense of connectedness by matching them with a more advanced student. Student pairs meet at least twice each semester during the academic year. In addition to providing students with a mentor, MMP also offers workshops that focus on academic and professional development, a student research conference, events such as rap sessions, and informal gatherings. For more information about this program, please contact the MMP Office.

Ombudsperson Office

Tom Kosakowski
University Ombudsperson
McAlister Center, Lower Level
919 N. Columbia Ave.
Office: (909) 607-0908
From campus phone: 70908
E-mail: ombuds@cgu.edu
Website: www.cgu.edu/ombuds

The University Ombudsperson offers a range of dispute resolution assistance for CGU students. Visitors are welcome to discuss academic and research issues, employment concerns, policies, unfair treatment, and any other matters related to the activities of the university. The University Ombudsperson can:

  • Identify and explain relevant policies and procedures.
  • Develop resolution options.
  • Facilitate communications.
  • Mediate a dispute or misunderstanding.

For those students with concerns who do not know where to begin, the Ombudsperson is a good place to start.

In all cases, the response of the Ombudsperson is tailored to the dynamics of the situation and the informed consent of the visitor. Four ethical tenants guide the work of the Ombudsperson:

Confidentiality. The Ombudsperson does not keep records for the University, and will not disclose the names or concerns of its visitors without permission. (The only exception is if there is an imminent risk of physical harm.) The Ombudsperson Office thus is not an office of notice for the University.

Neutrality. The Ombudsperson is respectfully impartial with all parties to a conflict. The Ombudsperson does not take sides in any dispute, but rather advocates for fair process and equitable results.

Informality. The Ombudsperson listens, offers information about University policies, procedures, and resources, and presents a range of options for resolving problems. With permission, the Ombudsperson will facilitate communication or mediate a dispute. The Ombudsperson does not arbitrate, adjudicate, or participate in formal procedures.

Independence. To ensure objectivity, the Ombudsperson is not aligned with any administrative unit and reports directly to the President for administrative and budgetary purposes.

The Ombudsperson Office is located on the ground floor of the McAlister Center—off the CGU campus—to assure visitors’ confidentiality. Please call or send an e-mail to arrange for an appointment.

Preparing Future Faculty & Learning Communities Program

1263 N. Dartmouth Avenue
Office: (909) 607-8978
E-mail: pff@cgu.edu
Website: www.cgu.edu/pff

The Preparing Future Faculty & Learning Communities Program (PFF/FLC) provides resources for students to join experts and their colleagues in exploring the skills and knowledge needed to obtain a position and succeed as a member of the faculty of the future. Program goals include preparing students:

  • for an academic career
  • to teach at a variety of institutions
  • to be outstanding researchers of the 21st Century

PFF/FLC programs include an orientation for new students, the Professional Development Practicum for first-year and second-year students, and the PFF Fellows Program, which is a Faculty Learning Community for advanced CGU students. Fellows are selected each spring for the following academic year. PFF supports the hiring of CGU students and alumni as adjunct professors through its Academic Job Search (AJS) system. Visit http://ajs.cgu.edu/.


Ducey Gym
Claremont McKenna College
Office: (909) 607-2904
The Club Sports Office

Rains Center & Pomona College
Office: (909) 621-8016
From campus phone: 18016

Athletic facilities and equipment are available for use by graduate students at Ducey Gym. There is a charge for the use of some facilities. Graduate students are welcome to participate in the Claremont Colleges Club Sports Program. The Claremont Colleges have established a Club Sports Office under the administrative supervision of the Claremont University Consortium to assist club sports teams in scheduling fields and facilities for practice and competition. The office also schedules and provides a trainer to attend home events for selected sports. To be eligible to use a Claremont College field or facility or receive funding from the associated students governments, a club sport must be registered with the Club Sports Office. The Club Sports program administrator is available to direct and assist in the registration process. The program administrator will maintain copies of all required records, forms, and waivers, and will coordinate the scheduling and use of fields and facilities. Individual club sports are responsible for their own funding, membership, coaches or advisors, equipment, and transportation. Copies of The Claremont Colleges Club Sports Handbook are available in the Club Sports Office.

Writing Center

The Claremont Graduate University Writing Center
Harper Hall 14
Office: (909) 607-2635
E-mail: writecenter@cgu.edu
Website: http://writecenter.cgu.edu

The CGU Writing Center offers individual consulting sessions to CGU students at every stage of graduate work. Consultants help students with study skills, language development, papers, proposals, qualifying exams, cover letters, articles, dissertations, and other communication concerns. Staff members are available for both in-person and online consulting, and students can use the service free of charge for eight hours per semester. Writing Center consultants are trained CGU students with teaching experience. The Writing Center also offers workshops on various writing issues. Consultants are available to teach directed writing practice at the request of department heads.