The interfield degree in Political Science and Economics is an interdisciplinary degree in political economy. The program is offered as a collaboration of the faculty of both the Politics and Policy (Political Science) and the Economics department.
Students must be accepted into the doctoral programs of both departments. One department will serve as the student’s primary department and dictate the field to be listed first on the student’s diploma at graduation–whether Political Science and Economics or Economics and Political Science.
Degree Requirements
Coursework. A minimum of 80 units are required, composed of a core, a methods minor field, a political science major field, and an economics major field.
Qualifying Exams. A modified qualifying exam structure takes into account requirements of the two programs.
- Economics: Combined testing on ECON 302 and 313 and a field of application
- Politics and Policy: Testing on a field of application
Final Paper Portfolio. All students are required to submit two papers to the program office. One paper must be written during the student’s first semester in the program. A second paper should represent the student’s best work and may come from any subsequent semester that the student is enrolled in the program. Papers are used for accreditation reviews of the program.
Dissertation. Students must propose, produce, and defend a dissertation that meets the rigorous methodological standards of and draws from both fields. Refer to the Registration and Degree Information section of the Bulletin for policies and procedures.
University Policies. University policies detailed in the Registration and Degree Information section of the Bulletin apply.