2011-2012 Bulletin 
    Jan 06, 2025  
2011-2012 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]



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Academic Program

The School of Mathematical Sciences at Claremont Graduate University has two principal foci: 1) its doctoral programs, qualifying students for careers as researchers or educators in mathematical sciences, and 2) master’s-level programs in applied mathematics designed for students seeking employment in industry or government, as well as for currently employed persons wishing to expand their knowledge of modern techniques and trends in applied mathematics.

Additional information regarding the jointly offered doctoral degrees in Engineering and Industrial Applied Mathematics, Computational Science, Computational and Systems Biology, and Financial Engineering may be obtained under their title headings in the Bulletin.




Mathematics Clinic: The clinic is open to students of all concentrations in the School of Mathematical Sciences.  In the clinic, students work under faculty supervision on problems arising in industry and government.  The problems are selected due to their educational merit and are normally of sufficient magnitude that their formulation, analysis, and exposition require substantial involvement over an academic year.  Since its inception in 1973, the Mathematics Clinic has completed over 200 year-long projects for industry.  Topics studied in the clinic are diverse and every attempt is made to match student skills and interests with project needs.  The clinic provides invaluable training by combining experience in real-world problem solving with thorough study of the relevant mathematics and its applications. 

Claremont Research Graduate Institute for Applied Mathematical Sciences (CRIAMS):  As a natural extension of its Mathematics Clinic, the School of Mathematical Sciences initiated the Institute for Applied Mathematical Sciences in 1998.  The CRIAMS curriculum emphasizes using advanced mathematical, computational, and numerical techniques to address the most complex challenges affecting sciences, government, and business.  The CRIAMS faculty have developed new mathematical methods and computer algorithms that apply across many application areas.  As part of its mission, CRIAMS hosts continuing education, intensive seminars, and sabbatical visits by the scientists and mathematicians who further develop and use these techniques.

Claremont Center for Mathematical Sciences (CCMS): The School of Mathematical Sciences supports CCMS, a collaborative endeavor to promote research and creative teaching among all the mathematics departments at The Claremont Colleges.  The CCMS website provides a central location to learn about the many seminars and events organized by the various math departments and faculty; it also provides details on all the center activities and initiatives.  CCMS is focused on themes of research and outreach.  The former pursues initiatives that enhance collaborative research on the campuses between faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students while the latter concentrates on teaching, service, and diversity.