2024-2025 Bulletin: Program Requirements
Economic Sciences
The Department of Economics shapes policy and advances understanding of social and individual behavior and well-being through high-quality and innovative research and a commitment to excellence in graduate education. The department has traditionally attracted students interested in applied economics. The distinctive combination of politics and economics within the same unit prepares students to influence policy and gives graduates a unique perspective and edge. More recently, the department has emerged as a leader in behavioral economics, creating research oportunites in areas that combine psychology and economics.
The Economics Department offers three graduate degree programs: Master os Arts in Economics, PhD in Economics, and PhD Interfield. There are several fields or concentrations available, but the program excels in International Economics and Behavioral Economics. Economics degree options are also available for students interested in an interdisciplinary curriculum with politics and policy, global political economy, management, mathematics, financial engineering, philosophy, and information science.
Economics programs are ideal for careers in business, government service, or teaching and research in interdisciplinary programs, such as international studies, management, and public policy. Students intending to pursue careers in economic research and university teaching are encouraged to apply to the doctoral program.