2010-2011 Bulletin 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2010-2011 Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Fellowship Funds

Students do not apply for specific fellowships, but are considered for awards as part of the awarding of institutional fellowships. No separate application is required.

The University gratefully acknowledges the contributions of many donors to support institutional fellowships.

The funds listed below support awards to current students:

Ahmanson Foundation Fellowship. Provides annual awards, based on financial need, to U.S. citizens pursuing degrees in arts and cultural management and education.

Ahmanson Foundation Endowed Fellowship. An endowed fellowship unrestricted as to field. The fund provides support annually to worthy U.S. citizen students who, without scholarship aid, would be unable to attend.

AIG SunAmerica Fellowships. Providing need-based fellowships to high-ability students who are recruited annually to the Drucker School.

Paul and Bernice Albrecht Endowed Fellowship. An endowed fellowship awarded to an outstanding student in the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management to commemorate the contributions of Paul and Bernice Albrecht.

Hollis Allen and Janet Allen Cancell Fellowship. This fellowship is provided through the School of Educational Studies in honor of late Professor Hollis Allen and Janet Allen Cancell.

John W. Bachmann Scholars Program (Edward Jones & Co.). Providing need-based fellowships to high ability students who are recruited annually to the Drucker School.

Marilynn Monroe Balasco Fellowship. An endowed fellowship awarded annually to a student in education.

Karl and Beverly Benjamin Fellowship in Art. This fellowship is provided through the Art Department in honor of CGU alumni, Karl and Beverly Benjamin. The fellowship is awarded to a second-year student in art who has a major emphasis in the study of painting.

Mabs Benson Memorial Fund. Open to students in the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management.

Robert J. Bernard Fellowship. An endowed fund established by the late Robert J. Bernard. (This fellowship excludes management students.)

George S. Blair Fellowship. Established in memory of the late professor, George S. Blair, the fellowship is offered to enhance research and scholarship in the School of of Politics and Economics.

Mara Breech Foundation Fellowship. Awarded to students in the teacher education program.

Bright China Fellowship. Annual award to Drucker School students from China. Given through the generosity of the Bright China Foundation.

Conrad Briner Endowed Fellowship. Open to students in the School of Educational Studies.

George Brinton Fellowship. Awarded to outstanding students in the School of Politics and Economics, through the generosity of George Brinton.

Howard and Phoebe Brown Endowed Fellowship. This fellowship provides support for a student or students in teacher education with a focus on math and science education.

Marguerite Brydegaard Trust Fellowship. Established by the estate of the late Marguerite Brydegaard, alumna of the School of Educational Studies, for a student in teacher education.

C. Raymond and Marion Buck Memorial Fellowships. Provided by Raymond Buck, an alumnus of education. Open to students in all fields.

Ida Lloyd Crotty Endowed Scholarship. This endowed scholarship supports an outstanding woman scholar in history in memory of Howard and Ida Crotty.

B. Dade Davis & Helen Mohan Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund. Offered through the California Community Foundation to teacher education students who are residents of San Bernardino. Students must demonstrate financial need.

Carolyn and Robert Denham Scholarship. Awarded to outstanding students in the School of Educational Studies, through the generosity of Trustee Carolyn Denhamand Robert Denham.

Donald R. DesCombes Fellowship. This fellowship, sponsored by PFF Bank & Trust, honors the late Donald R. DesCombes, CGU Trustee and former Chairman of the Board of PFF Bank & Trust. The fellowship is awarded to outstanding financial engineering students.

Guy Dobbs Memorial Fellowship. Annual awards for African-American students pursuing advanced degrees in management.

Helen B. Dooley Art Fellowship. Scholarships are provided to talented, qualified students in the graphic and/or sculptural arts, through the generosity of the late Helen B. Dooley.

Aubrey A. And Malcolm P. Douglass Memorial Fellowship. Fellowship assistance for students in education is granted from a fund established in memory of the late Aubrey A. Douglass, a founding member of the Claremont Graduate University faculty; and his son, the late Malcolm P. Douglass, faculty emeritus in education.

Drucker School Alumni Fellowship. Given to second-year Drucker School students who demonstrate excellence in the classroom and leadership in the student community. Given through the generosity of the Drucker School Alumni Association.

George and Sandra Felkenes Fellowship. The fund provides loan funds and fellowship aid to students in any field.

Laura P. Fernandez Endowed Fellowship. This fellowship is awarded annually to a student in the English Department’s literature and film program in memory of Laura P. Fernandez.

Kenneth G. Fiske Memorial Fellowship. An endowed fellowship awarded annually to a student enrolled in music.

Ethel K. Forcinelli Fellowship. Provides one or more awards annually to students in teacher education, especially those pursuing a career in special education.

Friends of the American Institute for Economics Research Scholarship. Awards are made through the institute to candidates for degrees in economics.

Eric Gable Memorial Fellowship. An endowed fellowship to be used for research.

Lawrence and Anne Glenn Endowed Fund for Fellowships in Education. An endowed fellowship supporting talented and deserving students pursuing a degree in the School of Educational Studies, made possible by the generosity of Trustee Lawrence Glenn and Anne Glenn.

Margo L. Goldsmith Fellowship. A full-time tuition fellowship in the women’s studies in religion program.

Barbara Greenwood Fellowship. An endowed fellowship awarded annually to a student enrolled in the teacher education program (pre-school or early elementary education).

C.E. and Bertha M. Harsh Memorial Fellowship. This fund provides fellowships in art and music to students who work closely with a professor from Pomona College.

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship. Fellowship funds have been provided by an endowment from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation in support of minority students in the teacher education program.

Dorothy B., Janice L., and William H. Heide Fellowship. An annual award to a woman or women students in the executive management Ph.D. program.

Hobson-Smith Fellowship. Provides fellowships for students in music.

Emily Ann Horowitz Memorial Fellowship. Fellowship assistance for students in the art and education programs is granted from a fund established by the Horowitz family in memory of Emily Ann Horowitz, an M.F.A. graduate of Claremont Graduate University.

Howard Houston Scholarship. Scholarship support for outstanding students in philosophy is provided by the generosity of the late Howard R. Houston.

The James Irvine Foundation Endowed Fellowships. Awards are made from a fund established by the foundation. California residents only.

Ito Scholars Fellowship. Scholarship endowment for students originating in Asia or Eastern Europe who are enrolled in the M.B.A. program.

Ida M. Jameson Statesmanship Fellowship. This is open to students in the School of Politics and Economics.

Michael J. Johnston and Mary C. Johnston Endowed Fellowship in American Politics. A tuition fellowship for students in American politics. Offered through the generosity of Trustee Michael J. Johnston and Mary C. Johnston.

The Fletcher Jones Foundation Fellowship. The fund provides fellowship aid to students in any field. Awarded to students who demonstrate the pioneering spirit, vision, and dedication of the late Fletcher Jones, the co-founder of Computer Sciences Corporation.

The Fletcher Jones Information Science Scholarship. Provides scholarship support to students in the School of Information Systems and Technology. An endowed fellowship awarded to students who demonstrate the pioneering spirit, vision, and dedication of the late Fletcher Jones, the co-founder of Computer Sciences Corporation.

Felix and Helen Juda Endowed Fellowship. Funds for this fellowship have been provided by an endowment from emeritus trustee Felix Juda.

Kay Center for e-Health Research Fellowship. Awarded to incoming Ph.D. students in the School of Information Systems and Technology with an academic interest and/or professional experience in e-health. This fellowship is made possible through the generosity of the Kay Family Foundation.

Tae Han Kim Scholarship. Open to students in the School of Educational Studies.

Lenore Kreiger Fellowship. A fund supporting fellowships in the School of Educational Studies for students teaching in math or science.

John H. Krenkel Fellowship. Established by the late John Krenkel, the fund provides fellowship support to first-year students pursuing a degree in mathematics, botany, or management.

Luther J. Lee, Jr., Memorial Fellowship. An award made each year to a student in the School of Politics and Economics. The fund was established by family and friends in memory of Luther J. Lee, Jr., dean of Claremont Graduate University from 1953-1960.

Ada E. Leeke Memorial Fellowship. Awarded to students of excellence in history or English.

John C. Lincoln Memorial Endowment. This is open to students in the School of Politics and Economics.

Lovelace/Minana Great Teacher Fellowship. To be awarded to a Latino student enrolled in the teacher education program.

Ernest M. and Mary J. Maldonado Endowed Fellowship. This fellowship, supported through the generosity of alumnus Ernest M. Maldonado and Mary J. Maldonado, is awarded to School of Politics and Economics students in American politics or public policy who are pursuing careers in government. Restricted to full-time students and U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Betty S. Martin Memorial Fellowship. An annual award to a student academically qualified in accordance with the policies of the University. The fund was established in memory of Betty S. Martin, who graduated from CGU in 1939.

David Millan Memorial Fellowship. This fellowship supports outstanding students in the School of Educational Studies.

George H. Mayr Endowed Fellowship. Provides annual awards to deserving California residents pursuing degrees in any field.

Pamela Mullin Endowed Scholarship. Part of the “Dream and Believe” Fellowship.

John and Irene Nugent Memorial Fund. Open to students in all programs.

Stuart Oskamp Fellowship. Awarded by the generosity of CGU faculty member Stuart Oskamp to assist exemplary students in psychology.

The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Fellowship. Awarded to first-year students pursuing a graduate degree in information science.

C. C. Paul Endowed Fellowship. Open to students in all programs.

Ethel Pearce Fellowship in Education. A fellowship established in memory of the late Dr. Bruce Pearce, alumnus of education, and the late Ethel Pearce.

Joseph D. and Elizabeth B. Peeler Fellowship. Fellowship support to students majoring in the fields of mathematics and science is provided by the generosity of the late Joseph D. and Elizabeth B. Peeler.

The Ann Peppers Foundation Fellowship. A fellowship provided by the Ann Peppers Foundation, an independent foundation making donations to exemplary students pursuing higher degrees in the humanities.

Mary Pickford Foundation Fellowship. An endowed fellowship restricted to female U.S. citizens pursuing advanced degrees in management.

Joseph B. and Jean Platt Fellowship. Fellowship awarded to a student in the School of Educational Studies.

James W. Porter Fellowship. An endowed fund providing fellowship support to Asian students studying mathematics.

Dr. Helen R. Powell Dissertation Fellowship. This fund, established by the late Dr. Helen R. Powell, provides fellowship assistance to a student enrolled in the Ph.D. program in education, specifically for the purpose of dissertation research.

Charles H. Reckefus Fellowship. Fellowship support to students in a Ph.D. program in the School of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences is provided by the generosity of the late Charles H. Reckefus.

Reed-Brown Fellowship. Awards are made from a fund established by the late Fred W. Reed. Restricted to African-American students.

Richter Watson Fellowship. Awarded annually to talented students in art.

Paul K. Richter and Evalyn E. Cook Richter Memorial Fellowship. Created by the late J. Edward Richter in memory of his parents. Provides fellowship assistance unrestricted as to field.

Larry and Jane Rosen Fellowship. Awarded to School of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences students who have demonstrated excellence in their research and studies. Awarded through the generosity of Larry and Jane Rosen.

H. Schroeder Endowed Fellowship. Open to students in any program.

Lewis W. Snider Single Parent Student Fellowship. Awarded to School of Politics and Economics students who are single parents raising children financially dependent on that student. Provided through the generosity of faculty member Lewis W. Snider.

Peter Lincoln Spencer Fellowship. An annual fellowship, awarded to a teacher education student who has demonstrated flexibility, innovation, and concern for students and an understanding of the broad concept of reading as developed by Peter Lincoln Spencer. The recipient will have completed at least one year of study.

Starr Foundation Scholarship. Scholarship awarded to a management student enrolled in the Drucker School.

The John Stauffer Endowed Fellowship. An award is made each year to a worthy student in the School of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences. A second award is available for SBOS students wanting to work with non-profit organizations.

Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Fellowship. This fellowship is provided annually to a student enrolled in CGU’s teacher education program.

WR Strong Horticulture Fund. Open to students in all programs.

Francisca Toery-Kohler Memorial Fellowship. Fellowship assistance is available to students in any field. Established by Mr. And Mrs. Antone Kohler in memory of their daughter, Francisca Toery-Kohler, a student at Claremont Graduate University.

H. Jerry Voorhis Memorial Endowed Fellowship for Public Service. This fellowship has been made possible by The Voorhis Viking Alumni Association in memory of H. Jerry Voorhis and is awarded to an outstanding student in education, history, or politics.

Sue Arlene Walker Memorial Fellowships in the Arts. A memorial fellowship established by art alumna Sue Arlene Walker. The fellowships support the work of needy students in the arts at CGU.

Hsiao Min Wang Memorial Fellowship. Awarded in memory of education alumna Hsiao Min Wang to a School of Educational Studies student involved in research that promises to strengthen the educational and cultural association of China and the United States.

Kathryn Z. Weed Annual Fellowship. This fellowship, in memorial to alumna and author Kathryn Z. Weed, supports students in the School of Educational Studies in the fields of reading and/or multicultural/bilingual education. Preference is given to minority students.

Stuart Jardine Wolfenden Scholarship. Established in memory of Stuart Jardine Wolfenden to assist graduate students of languages.

Dr. Sonya L. ‘Sam’ Woods-Anderson Fellowship Fund in the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management. Awarded to outstanding Drucker School students who demonstrate financial need.